MM5.2.0 2.2 Profiles and settings

MM5.2.0 2.2 Profiles and settings

2.2.1 Types of users

A Digizuite™ DAM system has its own database of users that is created by the Digizuite™ DAM Center's administrators. Each user is set up with a username, a password and role-based access rights.

There are 5 main types of users within the Media Manager 5: Guest, Light User, Content Creator, Administrator and Super Administrator. These users are given a number of rights/roles by default, but the roles can be removed or added by the Administrator in the DAM Center's "System tools". New users with a customized set of roles can also be created.

More information concerning roles can be found here.


Media Manager 5 is available for guest users. Guest users are the users who are not logged in and can access the assets in a read-only mode. The guest users can only view assets that are made available for the public. It is a choice whether or not Media Manager 5 should have a Guest Area or require a log in to even access the home screen.

Guest users can search for public files, preview them, download them and share them on social media, if this is allowed. For the ability to add to favorites, they will be requested to log in, if they possess membership credentials.

Light User

By default the Light user can:

  • see the other member of the portal,
  • download assets in original and custom quality,
  • view collections,
  • share assets.

Content Creator

By default the Content Creator can additionally to the above:

  • upload new assets,
  • view the comments,
  • create, edit and delete own comments,
  • replace assets,
  • create a new revision for assets,
  • create crops of assets,
  • generate keywords for assets using the cognitive services,
  • view Work In Progress stages of the assets and to edit the stages that are assigned to the user or which do not have an assignee.


By default the Administrator can additionally to the above:

  • edit metadata.

Super Administrator

By default the Super Administrator can:

  • edit the Work In Progress stages assigned to other members,
  • change the theming and style of the application,
  • view the audit trail,
  • delete comments of other users.

2.2.2 Profile administration

Profile administration gives access to the following actions:

  • changing user information, i.e. first name, last name and e-mail address,
  • changing password,
  • changing profile picture.

2.2.3 Settings


The user can access the following settings in relation to the intro screen:

  • changing the background image, using one of the assets uploaded to the Media Manager 5,
  • editing title and description in the selected language.


The user can change the colors in the interface of the Media Manager 5.

The complete styling guide can be found here.


The user can choose the logo displayed in the upper left corner of the home screen directly in the Media Manager 5's settings. The image can be selected from one of the following destinations:

  • computer desktop,
  • the pool of assets available in the Media Manager.


Integration endpoints make it possible for Digizuite to integrate with external systems such as social media and Sitecore. In Media Manager's settings the user can access the list of available integrations to be configured as well as create new integrations.

More information can be found here.

Cognitive services

More information can be found here.


This section provides basic information about the version of the currently installed Media Managaer as well as about third party licenses.

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