MM5.2.0 2.3 User interface overview

Overview of the home screen

1 - Menu panel

2 - Top panel

3 - Folders' overview or collections' overview

4 - Tools related to the mode or type of shown assets

5 - Assets

Elements of the home screen

1 - Corporate logo

2 - Folders/content

3 - Collections

4 - Status/Work In Progress stages

5 - Favorites

6 - Upload history

7 - Hide/show menu toggle button

8 - Search box

9 - Home

10 - Upload

11 - Notifications

12 - Automation workflows

13 - Settings

14 - Profile administration options

15 - Folders' overview or collections' overview

16 - Number of assets

17 - Refresh assets

18 - Save search

19 - Sorting

20 - Show/hide filters

21 - Asset view mode

22 - Asset card

Asset card

1 - Asset thumbnail

2 - Add to/remove from favorites

3 - Quick asset information

4 - More options (share, download)

5 - Title of the asset

6 - Description of the asset

7 - Asset type and size

8 - Asset ID

9 - Asset status

Asset view

1 - Breadcrumb trail/asset location

2 - Asset thumbnail

3 - Action menu with the following possible actions: share, download, asset info, favorite, crop/trim, replace, audit trail, print and asset status

Note about video assets

In case of video assets, an addtional action might appear here: "Generate Thumbnails". This feature allows the user to change the thumbnail representing a video asset.

After clicking this option, the user is presented with a new window, in which they can either select one of the already available options or generate a new set of randomly generated thumbnails.

4 - Metadata

5 - Related assets

5a - Linked assets

5b - Crops/trims

5c - Asset history

6 - Comments/annotations

Focused asset view

1 - Breadcrumb trail/asset location

2 - Zoom in/out

3 - Crop

4 - Full asset view