MM5.2.0 2.4 Responsive design

MM5.2.0 2.4 Responsive design

The appearance and the availability of functions in Media Manager change in line with the size of the screen that the application is used on according to the principles of responsive design. 

The changes in the layout of the Media Manager webpage is demonstrated in the video below:

Previewing Media Manager on an average-sized tablet offers a similar experience to using it on desktop. Here Media Manager's functionality is restricted only by the limitations of the touch device. The restricted functions are:

  • multiselecting assets (and therefore the ability to work with multiple assets at the same time)
  • uploading assets by drag & drop method.

The experience of working with Media Manager on a mobile device can vary dependent on the screen orientation. In vertical view the interface is reduced to the one closely resembling Digizuite™ Mobile as demonstrated in the screenshots below:

In horizontal orientation it is possible to view Media Manager just like on a tablet.

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