MM5.10 Users and portal administration

Types of users

A Digizuite™ DAM system has its own database of users that is created by the Digizuite™ DAM Center's administrators. Each user is set up with a username, a password and role-based access rights.

There are 5 main types of users within the Media Manager 5: Guest, Light User, Content Creator, Administrator and Super Administrator. These users are given a number of rights/roles by default, but the roles can be removed or added by the Administrator in the DAM Center's "System tools". New users with a customized set of roles can also be created.

More information on roles can be found here.


Media Manager 5 is available for guest users. Guest users are the users who are not logged in and can access the assets in a read-only mode. The guest users can only view assets that are made available for the public. It is a choice whether or not Media Manager 5 should have a Guest Area or require a log in to even access the home screen.

Guest users can search for public files, preview them, download them and share them on social media, if this is allowed. For the ability to add to favorites, they will be requested to log in, if they possess membership credentials.

Users who possess credentials to the system usually fall under one of these user types:

User name

By default roles, the user can:

User name

By default roles, the user can:

Light User

  • see other members of the portal

  • download assets in original and custom quality

  • view collections

  • share assets

  • create crops of assets

  • see workflow tasks assigned to oneself and transition them

  • see related assets

  • view comments

  • create, edit and delete own comments

  • save searches

Content Creator

  • upload new assets

  • use Cognitive Services

  • view Work In Progress stages of the assets and to edit the stages that are assigned to the user or which do not have an assignee

  • bypass all download rules

  • delete assets permanently

  • edit workflows

  • perform transitions in workflow tasks that have no user constraints on transition

  • view workflow tasks of other users, as well as assign and delete tasks

  • run automations with a manual trigger

  • see the status of automations

  • have access to the Creative Cloud Connector

  • see and edit catalog folders in DAM administration view

  • see the uploaded files related to workflows


  • edit metadata

  • use metadata translation APIs

  • see and edit metadata definitions

  • view audit trail for assets

  • replace assets

  • create a new revision for assets

  • change the styling and theming when Brand portal is not enabled

  • edit users

  • edit Digizuite portals

  • edit automations

  • export assets, metadata as wells as assets with metadata

  • set up filters and free text searching

  • see generic job status - for instance elastic re-indexing 

  • access system monitoring

  • see system logs

  • edit and delete comments of other users

  • circumvent the copyright notification

  • configure download approval and bypass it once it is enabled

  • see and edit users and groups in DAM administration view

  • see files and secret files attached to workflow tasks as well as delete them

  • perform GDPR actions

  • see and edit integration endpoints

  • edit mail templates

  • edit the start screen in Media Manager

  • see all upload progress

  • use the embedded Media Manager UI

  • edit asset status they are not assigned to

  • configure YouTube integrations

Super Administrator

  • see the status for search administration in Media Manager

  • change job status, for example restart a failed job

  • create access keys for other users

  • can ignore all item security

  • access the product configuration, including searches, labels and configuration

  • see and edit destinations in DAM administration view

  • see and edit Digizuite constants in DAM administration view

  • edit Digizuite licenses

  • edit media format type setup

  • manage languages

  • see and edit profiles in DAM administration view

  • edit stopwords for Search2

  • see and edit transcodes in DAM administration view

  • edit SSO settings

  • access check-in and check-out

Profile administration

Settings related to profile administration can be accessed by clicking the profile picture in the upper left corner of the main screen, and then selecting My profile.

Profile administration gives access to the following actions:

  • changing user information, i.e. first name, last name and e-mail address

  • changing password

  • changing language

  • resetting user preferences.

After changing any available information, the user needs to click on ‘Save’ button in order to keep the changes.

It is possible to perform a factory reset to preferences unique to a specific user. This includes filters, sorting, the default view mode, metadata editor width, pinned metadata fields as well as auto-expanding of metadata groups. The reset is irreversible, which is why upon clicking ‘Factory reset’ button, the user will be present with an additional warning modal, where ‘Confirm’ needs to be clicked to perform the reset to the default settings.