MM5.10 Automations to instantiate workflows

Workflow part

In almost all instances where you want to instantiate a workflow, you have to do this by an automation.

This guide aims to guide you though this process.

The first thing you need is a workflow, which of course has some stages and transitions. Itā€™s important that the transitions that come from the created node do not have any ā€œexecutionā€œ constraints on it. There are 3 - and they are named ā€œOnly current stage owner can transitionā€œ, ā€œOnly instance owner can transitionā€œ, and lastly, ā€œOnly specific user or user group can transitionā€œ. Also, you should not have ā€œinputā€œ constraints on it. in other words, the only allowed constraints here, are the ones with ā€œMetadataā€œ in their names.

Automation part

In the automated flow, you need to do a bit more to get it working. In the image below, Iā€™ve shown the steps that one needs to instantiate a workflow.

Step 1: Trigger

This part is the same as with all other automations. Simply put, this is the action that triggered this automation.

Step 2: Validation (Optional)

This part is optional, but needed if you e.g. want to control who should be able to instantiate the workflow. As written in the workflow section in the top, transitions from the created note must not contain an ā€œexecutionā€œ constant - meaning that everyone could potentially initialize the workflow. (Please note that, you should always aim for designing the system to not even allow such users to trigger the automation trigger)

In the image show, thereā€™s a check on the upload computer. This is made to ensure that profile images, logos, and splashscreen (introscreen) images/videos arenā€™t triggering the workflow. When you upload normally, the ā€œupload computer nameā€œ you set in the MMā€™s config manager via the DC will make this pass. If you instead upload a new profile image, a new splash screen image/video, or logos it will append ā€œ profileā€œ, ā€œ splashscreenā€œ, and ā€œ logoā€œ - making this example fail. If you wish to make a workflow for e.g. splash screen, youā€™d have to make this check instead be something like ā€œ[Your upload computer name] splashscreenā€œ.

Supposing that the upload computer name is ā€œDigizuite Media Managerā€œ, the available options here are:

  • ā€œDigizuite Media Managerā€œ

  • ā€œDigizuite Media Manager logoā€œ

  • ā€œDigizuite Media Manager profileā€œ

  • ā€œDigizuite Media Manager splashscreenā€œ

Step 3: Extract itemGuid

As the last step (5) requires an entity guid, which is created from concatenating a string with an itemGuid, we need to extract the itemGuid. This is done with ā€œItem ID to Item GUIDā€. This step will also create the entityGuid.

Step 5: Initiate the workflow

Using the entityGuid together with the sourceMemberId (not sourceMemberItemId), you can now trigger the workflow via your automation.