DC 5.8 Breaking Changes - Fullpath UNC from Importer

This change has been introduced between 5.8.0 and 5.8.1.

All paths are now normalized to use forward slash '/'. With the new deployed environments this is how it works internally with the FTP based ingest anyway so this was introduced partly to mitigate problems transitioning from the old type to the new. It does mean the code is less rigid when matching filepaths because the different slashes are treated equally.

However, as the Importer also still relies on the old “Search2” query functionality it can break replace logic as the old backwards slash path will not be hit when querying for the new style paths.


A customer has ingested an asset from the relative path \somepath\file1.jpg and this is what is saved in the Fullpath UNC string metafield. If the customer wants to replace this asset via the Importer and tries again the path will be handled as /somepath/file1.jpg and therefore it will not match the old file.

It’s easy to work around. As long as just a few assets are involved the value can simply be updated manually with the metadata editor in old DC or MM. If there is a bigger problem here all the values of Fullpath UNC can simply be updated to replace \ with /. Contact RnD for help with this.

This can be updated in the database with the following query

update item_metafield_value set value = REPLACE(value, '\', '/'), smaleValue = REPLACE(smaleValue, '\', '/') where item_metafield_labelid = <metafield labelid of the fullpath ingest>

A rebuild of the indexes is a good idea after this has been done