DC 5.8 Breaking Changes - Media manager configuration

The Media Manager configuration for

  • General configuration

  • Labels

  • Crops

  • Mail templates

Has been moved to the Media Manager UI under Portal configuration.

See documentation

See this ticket for migration script: https://digizuite.atlassian.net/browse/DAM-6497


How to Use

  1. Ensure that you have a backup of the Dam database, “Apply with safemode off will delete old config!!!”

  2. Upgrade to 5.8

  3. Add DC and MM layer + other layers in Configuration Management + Apply - WITH “SAFE MODE ON”

  4. Run the attached script (Make sure to fill out the required parameters)

  5. Fix reported issues from sql script (if any)

  6. Open the Portal Config Manager in MM for the configs you specified

  7. Verify that all the settings were mapped correctly based on what you specified in the config manager originally.

  8. Export relevant resources in Configuration Management to protect them from deletion when Applying Layers in Configuration Management in Un-Safe mode”

  9. Recycle everything