How to change MM video downloads to "Original" only

On Media Manager, if only “Original” is required as download, then there’s a LOT of storage to spare by changing the configuation for published assets.

This is based on OOBE configuration


Under System tools → Profiles

  • Select OOBE Media Manager video

  • Remove all formats, except:

    • Desktop Video Thumb

    • Tablet Video Thumb

    • Mobile Video Thumb


Under System tools → ConfigManager → Media manager 5 → 5.0.0 (note this root!)

  • Select Profiles and destinations tab

  • Mark Digizuite™ Media Manager

  • In the right side, click on “Digizuite™ Video Portal Videos” | “FrontendData SM” to delete. Confirm with save.


Under System tools → ConfigManager → Media manager 5 → 5.0.0 → Default (or what the active node is named)

  • Select Profiles and destinations tab

  • Mark Digizuite™ Media Manager

  • In the right side, click on “Digizuite™ Video Portal Videos” | “FrontendData SM” to delete. Confirm with save.

Recycle IIS


Note: If this is done on a none-OOBE, then it’s essential that you do remove the “Digizuite™ Video Portal Videos” from the root, otherwise it will inherit from that (which the causes no effect in the changes).


Result: Only the “Original” is now downloadable from MM:


And will under normal circumstances mean a decreasing of storage usage on 98,8%!



Video, original file size: ~18,5MB


Before changes were made:

  • Asset storage (original file + thumbs for DC): 19.1MB (4 files)

  • Files published (Frontend.Data) (incl. thumbs, previews, video formats), in total: 35.3MB (12 files)


After changes were made:

  • Asset storage (original file + thumbs for DC): 19.1MB (4 files) (same)

  • Files published (Frontend.Data)(incl. thumbs, previews, video formats), in total: 44.5KB (3 files)