How to create a customer in the Microsoft Partner Portal

Sign in to, click on to Dashboard


This will bring you to the login screen again, select your user account if it is displayed or if not select Use another account

Once logged in, select Customers and then Add Customer, if you do not see the option to add Customers then you do not have the necessary level of access required to create customers. You should reach out John Burke Hanson to have this rectified.

Fill in the new customer Account info, once completed it should like the screenshot below.


  • Address is now Østergade 61

  • ZIP is now 5000

  • Primary contact: is details of our customer

Note! We are no longer permitted to input John as the main contact. It has to be a user outside of our domain. (So the customer who owner of the DAM).

After clicking Next Review, check that all the displayed information is correct and click Submit.

Now we must add a subscription to the newly created customer, so still in the Partner Portal select the newly created customer, then select subscriptions, select Add subscription, Select Azure Plan, and select buy a subscription.

Select the Azure pane and select type Microsoft Azure. Now select the Azure plan and choose to add to cart. Click on review and select buy.