How to duplicate a customer request in your own browser
If you have a customer who gets an error and cannot recreate it yourself, you can get a “copy” of the customer's network stack and import it into your own browser for further troubleshooting, without getting on a call with the customer.
Step 1:
Get the HAR request from the customer.
Guide: How to generate HAR files in Chrome, Firefox & Safari? - Requestly
Step 2:
Open a new window in Chrome and bring up the developer tool (F12)
Click the import button and select the HAR file.
Step 3:
Troubleshoot the call stack as you normally would.
Find the call that is giving trouble and extract the X-Activity-Id from the Response header and open it directly in the logs to get the whole call.
Note the ID will be something like this:00-49ba5e1a5c3948458c10eb11c08db4a8-8a0064bb02af804f-01
and you only need the 49ba5e1a5c3948458c10eb11c08db4a8 part of the ID. (Trace ID).
the 2th part 8a0064bb02af804f is the span ID
Enter the Trace ID in the log search: