CCC5.9 Connector settings

CCC5.9 Connector settings


The connectors settings are in the associated Media Manager at Settings → General Settings → Connector settings. (YOUR-MM-SITE/settings/connector-settings)

Connector settings for the CCC and OC connector

These settings are related to the currently accessed portal, meaning the specified settings only reflect that portal and all its subsites.

Available settings

The connectors settings control settings related to the Creative Cloud Connector

Insert and export quality

Defining the insert and export quality for images and videos is possible.

Insert quality is used when an asset is inserted using the insert button on the asset card or from the more options.



The insert and export quality can also be used on the insert quality button.

Allowed asset types

The allowed asset types option controls the allowed asset types shown in the free-text and full search, meaning only these asset types will be returned in the search.

The asset types can be removed by clicking the “X” button on a specific asset type or adding more by clicking the arrow download button or within the field.

This will open a dialog where all the asset types that can be produced in the system are shown to be selected from:

If checked, the “Show all asset types in the asset type filter” option will allow all asset types to be shown in the asset type filter. If unchecked, only the asset types defined in the “allowed asset types” field will be shown in the asset type filter.