CCC5.9 Release notes

CCC5.9 Release notes

Digizuite™ Adobe Creative Cloud Connector 5.9.1
© 2006-2024 Digizuite A/S

Version : 5.9.1
Date : 15-02-2024

[CCC-864] - Disabled the option to insert videos and audio files in InDesign
[CCC-868] - Fixed issue where the active document could not be replaced in After Effects
[CCC-882] - Fixed issue in the Link Manager when the asset had a long name; it would make the asset card bigger than the rest
[CCC-886] - Stopped the support for inserting videos and audio files in InDesign
[CCC-890] - Fixed UI issue in the downloads popup for the buttons

[CCC-897] -Stop supporting the generation of local thumbnails
[CCC-896] - Remove Eventlistener, which checks for added or removed links in INDD
[CCC-892] - Link Manager - Fallback to Original/source format, if defined, insert quality is not available


Digizuite™ Adobe Creative Cloud Connector 5.9.0
© 2006-2024 Digizuite A/S

Version : 5.9.0
Date : 15-01-2024

[CCC-383] - Added to automatically update the Link Manager when new assets are either added or removed from the active document in InDesign
[CCC-877] - Add an option in Connector settings for the user to select the locally generated thumbnail or use the asset's thumbnail in the DAM.

[CCC-853] - Fixed issue where no assets could be downloaded
[CCC-860] - Fixed issue where the application could not be started at all
[CCC-875] - Fixed issue where generating thumbnails for Links and Cached assets would freeze the application
[CCC-887] - Only generate previews for files smaller than 50 MB
[CCC-688] - Added the change site button in the mobile menu so the user can still change site even if there are issues with the currently connected site
[CCC-832] - Fixed issue where hovering the settings button in the Cache Manager were not displayed nicely
[CCC-842] - Fixed the issue where the user could not upload anything
[CCC-859] - Fixed issue where the application would not start on Mac
[CCC-871] - Fixed issue when an asset had been uploaded through the Link Manager; the link status was not updated
[CCC-873] - Fixed issue where assets could not be uploaded through the Link Manager in Photoshop
[CCC-874] - Fixed issue where the Adobe Links Metafield was not updated when uploading Adobe-related documents
[CCC-883] - Better enhance the cache manager for invalid files

[CCC-865] - Removed support for old silicon connector
[CCC-866] - Removed the "Local Changes" feature

Digizuite™ Adobe Creative Cloud Connector 5.8.3
© 2006-2023 Digizuite A/S

Version : 5.8.3
Date : 21-11-2023

[CCC-844] - Added the option to insert Photoshop document into an existing Photoshop document

[CCC-850] - Fixed issue where the cache was not updated after a document replace
[CCC-852] - Fixed issue where the active document could not be uploaded if one or more assets had been replaced in the DAM


Digizuite™ Adobe Creative Cloud Connector 5.8.2
© 2006-2023 Digizuite A/S

Version : 5.8.2
Date : 30-10-2023

[CCC-845] - Added option to insert images as a document or insert into the current active document

[CCC-846] - Fixed issue where the Notifications UI did not have the same UI as the Media Manager
[CCC-841] - Fixed issue where the multi-selection button could not appear in the topbar after asset selection
[CCC-848] - Fixed issue where the plugin had to be closed after changing the site for it to take effect in Photoshop and Illustrator


Digizuite™ Adobe Creative Cloud Connector 5.8.1
© 2006-2023 Digizuite A/S

Version : 5.8.1
Date : 12-09-2023

[CCC-795] - Added UI to define the insert and export quality for images and videos
[CCC-823] - Added the option to use the Enter button to begin the upload process when defining the document name

[CCC-578] - Disabled Drag and Drop upload on Mac
[CCC-643] - Updated documentation on running Photoshop on Macs with M1 chips
[CCC-835] - Updated documentation to reflect how to insert assets without an existing document
[CCC-675] - Disabled the option to upload cloud documents in Photoshop
[CCC-771] - Fixed issue where all assets with asset type Archive would throw errors when inserted. These were disabled
[CCC-831] - Fixed issue where the logo at the topbar was stretched
[CCC-833] - Fixed issue where multiple popups could be opened when clicking the more button on different asset cards
[CCC-836] - Disabled the option to insert IDMS files in Illustrator


Digizuite™ Adobe Creative Cloud Connector 5.8.0
© 2006-2023 Digizuite A/S

Version : 5.8.0
Date : 19-07-2023

[CCC-481] - Changed the default quality from JPG to PNG
[CCC-548] - Changed labels to be "Open" if document and "Place" if valid asset type for insertion
[CCC-768] - Added the CCC version in About

[CCC-638] - This fixes the issue where an error and successful popup are shown when an invalid asset type is inserted
[CCC-756] - Fixed issue where the user was not able to change between sites
[CCC-761] - Fixed issue when changing site would result in a CORS error
[CCC-574] - Fixed issue where the "Already open" was always displayed in UI after opening the document
[CCC-791] - Fixed issue where two notifications were shown on the download error
[CCC-802] - Fixed issue where empty folders were created in the user's cache folder
[CCC-455] - Fixed issue when changing the site while the active document contained image assets
[CCC-607] - Fixed issue where breadcrumbs were displayed incorrectly
[CCC-608] - Fixes the UI for uploading or replacing the active document
[CCC-648] - Fixes issue where "Work-in-progress" is always displayed when opening a document in InDesign
[CCC-654] - Fixes issue so SVG cannot be inserted in Illustrator
[CCC-655] - This fixes the issue where an asset could not be inserted if the active document is not saved
[CCC-658] - Added visual response when clicking the Refresh button in Link Manager
[CCC-670] - This fixes the issue where, in case of an error when downloading an asset, the UI would get stuck
[CCC-687] - Fixes issue where SSO UI had a horizontal scrollbar
[CCC-709] - Fixed manually deleting cached data would break the Cache Manager
[CCC-714] - Fixed issue where the "Already opened" persisted
[CCC-724] - Fixed issue where the asset relation was not always updated on upload
[CCC-736] - Fixed issue where the crop button should not expand when placed on the asset card
[CCC-738] - Fixed issue where Link Manager could not handle assets with capital extensions
[CCC-746] - Fixed issue where Word Documents and Text files could be inserted in Illustrator
[CCC-750] - Removed the use of Portal name to get the Media Manager URL
[CCC-759] - Updated change site UI to better display errors when they occur
[CCC-760] - Fixed change site buttons alignment
[CCC-763] - Fixed issue where CCC would not handle whitespace in copied URL when changing sites
[CCC-770] - Fixed issue where the multi-selection count in Link Manager could not be seen
[CCC-774] - Fixed issue where the search input was not active when opening the popup
[CCC-781] - Added popup when the download fails
[CCC-782] - Disabled the relink button if the selected quality could not be linked to the asset
[CCC-796] - Fixed issue where the user could not log in with SSO
[CCC-800] - Fixed general UI elements in the change site popup
[CCC-801] - Fixed missing label in upload
[CCC-804] - Show notification when users try to insert an asset that is already broken in the active document
[CCC-806] - Fixed issue when downloading the user would get a SHA1 error
[CCC-808] - Fixed issue where no asset could be downloaded
[CCC-810] - Fixed issue where audio files could not be inserted in Photoshop
[CCC-814] - Fixed issue where newly placed assets could not be uploaded through the Link Manager in Photoshop
[CCC-816] - Fixed issue where Premiere Pro assets could not be inserted in After Effects
[CCC-818] - Fixed issue where Premiere Pro files could not be inserted in Premiere Pro
[CCC-822] - Fixed issue where users could not log in with SSO


Digizuite™ Adobe Creative Cloud Connector 5.7.0
© 2006-2023 Digizuite A/S

Version : 5.7.0
Date : 2023-03-20

[CCC-370] - For the CCC to download thumbnails and display them in the link manager
[CCC-375] - For our link manager to implement some functionality from the built-in link manager
[CCC-507] -Introducing Collections into the Adobe / Office / Smart Asset Picker
[CCC-527] - Allow a user to add certain metadata when uploading an active document
[CCC-557] - Introduce MM asset list into our Standard Component Domain to provide more full feature set(CCC, OC, and Unified DAM Connector\)
[CCC-562] - Sorting of assets in CCC Link Manager by Asset Type, Name, Asset ID
[CCC-563] - Ability to select all “Linked Assets” in Link Manager
[CCC-588] - Add standard duplicate check to Photoshop/Illustrator from the connector - both upload from disk and upload the active document
[CCC-593] - Add Link Manager to Illustrator for linked files
[CCC-594] - Add Link Manager to Photoshop for linked files
[CCC-618] - Add extension filter to Link Manager filters
[CCC-642] - Implement grid-view for links in Link Manager
[CCC-647] - Support Linking in Illustrator and Photoshop

[CCC-414] - Signing up confirmation link is broken
[CCC-492] - Link manager: Inconsistencies with the selection of "unlinked assets"
[CCC-495] - Link manager: Non-source files are allowed to be uploaded
[CCC-498] - Link manager: The "is checked" logic breaks when there are broken links
[CCC-509] - Connector does not "time out" if DAM is unavailable or misconfigured / not supported
[CCC-539] - The user doesn't see visual feedback once uploading is started, and it takes some time for non-small files
[CCC-561] - Bring in all components from Media Manager to provide more consistent UI/UX and more a full feature set (this means cropping, editing metadata, tasks, audit trail and much more)
[CCC-571] - Foreign Character in Asset Title, once linked to InDesign Doc, breaks CCC Link Manager
[CCC-603] - The link manager is empty for Premier Pro and After Effects
[CCC-691] - Reveal in Explorer doesn't work on Mac
[CCC-695] -Sorting doesn't work for CCC

[CCC-394] - Link manager: Responsive design
[CCC-400] - For the "High-res" quality to always be downloaded in the background
[CCC-621] - Implement duplicate detection for Link Manager upload with NgRx Effects
[CCC-641] - Move sublinks to a dropdown instead
[CCC-683] - CCC 5.7.0 13 "Link to another asset" to be renamed to "Link to asset"

Digizuite™ CCC 5.6.2
© 2006-2022 Digizuite A/S

Version : 5.6.2
Date : 2022-12-20

## Bug

MM5-4676 Embedded view sees no assets in folders


Digizuite™ CCC 5.6.1
© 2006-2022 Digizuite A/S

Version : 5.6.1
Date : 2022-08-01

## Bug

CCC-333 After Effects: Inserting video formats which the Adobe product doesn't support, results in an error

CCC-338 Title and ID are not shown in asset preview

CCC-389 The page picker is not the same as mm \+ too many options \+ no assets per page

CCC-450 macOS Catalina 10.15.7 Error on importing pdf, illustrator files in Photoshop

CCC-451 macOS Catalina 10.15.7 Illustrator 25.4.2 error on import an asset

CCC-471 Photoshop opening Illustrator files with wrong dimensions and color space

CCC-475 When uploading new INDD assets, you cannot define an asset title

CCC-513 Cancel button is still shown after clicking out of search input

CCC-518 Receiving error when uploading After Effects file to connector, but in reality it uploads fine, but will not version

CCC-519 When bringing down Illustrator files into After Effects, full AE file path is saved with Illustrator titles

CCC-521 AE files created from Premiere are not able to be uploaded

CCC-525 Clear filters button should be properly aligned

CCC-532 AI: Inserting PPTX and XLSX doesn't work

CCC-546 Unable to insert asset from asset preview screen \+ cannot make assets high res

CCC-551 Link Manager - if same local file linked multiple times to document/project - file will upload multiple times into DAM


## Feature

CCC-332 For the site you're connected to, to be shown on the About page

CCC-457 Dragging one or more files onto the connector to spawn an "Do you wish to upload xxx" dialog - and then upload and publish the assets to the connector

CCC-508 Multi-selecting assets and placing them together

CCC-553 Make quality drop down for multi selection import be one choice


## Task

CCC-533 Add documentation about Link Manager to the Official & Public docs

CCC-566 Two-way relationship for assets coming from CCC

Digizuite™ CCC 5.5.4
© 2006-2020 Digizuite A/S

Version : 5.5.4
Date : 2022-02-18

### Bug

CCC-537 Replace existing Asset option doesn't close popup and give user info popup

CCC-520 AE Files can be imported into Premiere, but do not display in the Link Manager

CCC-487 AE/PPRO: Making video files low-res will always make them be original

CCC-486 PPRO: Changing quality to another file type causes inconsistencies in the UI

CCC-479 Link manager: Tif files show broken thumbnails

CCC-459 Opening InDesign file from MM not behaving as expected

CCC-433 Disable the "Open" button when the INDD file is already in use

CCC-427 Importing After Effects files into Premiere throws Error

CCC-426 Opening Illustrator files in After Effects does not bring up correct open dialog


### New

CCC-444 Ability to select asset quality in Premiere and After Effects

CCC-443 Add Links Manager to Premiere and After Effects Adobe CC Connector

CCC-442 Upload local InDesign files \(packages\) should prompt if you'd like to upload local linked assets

CCC-476 Links should be also supporting relationships \(so that it is always syncing links as "cccLinkType" showing in the relationships tab (only one-way)

CCC-469 Custom filters for asset type metadata

Digizuite™ CCC 5.5.3
© 2006-2020 Digizuite A/S

Version : 5.5.3
Date : 2021-12-23

CCC-461: Problem if a customer default folder is set to OneDrive


Digizuite™ CCC 5.5.2
© 2006-2020 Digizuite A/S

Version : 5.5.2
Date : 2021-11-19


CCC-320 Complete rewrite of the connector with all known features such as folders, filters, search, preview and upload

CCC-403 Link manager: For the state "Asset out of date - please update" to use a specific icon

CCC-329 Added Support for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro

CCC-317 Support for Check-in/Check-out directly in the connector