CCC5.9 Installation Guide

CCC5.9 Installation Guide

Adobe Exchange (Recommended)

Go to Adobe Exchange and install the plugin Digizuite Connector for Adobe Creative Cloud.

Manual Installation Process

If you, for some reason, wish to install manually (not recommended but can be for debugging purposes), then follow the below process.


This installation method uses a 3rd party extension manager, AEScripts Adobe ZXP Extension Manager.

Step 1

Download the installer for the extension manager from the AEScripts website for either Mac or Windows: ZXP/UXP Installer FAQ.

Run the installer and follow the prompts.

If you are not the system administrator, once the installation process is finished, please navigate to the ZXP Installer's settings and ensure that ‘Install for current user only (when possible)’ is enabled.

Step 2

Open ZXP Installer.

Select ‘File’ → ‘Open…’ OR use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+O (Windows) or Command+O (Mac).

Step 3

Find the ZXP package provided by your Digizuite consultant in the file browser and click ‘Open.’

Step 4

The following prompt will appear:

Select ‘Install’.

Step 5

You will now receive a notification that ‘creative-cloud was successfully installed.’