CCC5.9 Properties & Storage Location

CCC5.9 Properties & Storage Location

The connector needs access to either ‘My Documents’ folder on Windows (which is the default location for the connector properties file and assets that are used through the connector). In case you are using OneDrive then the home directory of the user is used.


Why do we need access and what do we store? In the documents folder, we are creating digizuite_files and the assets associated with the connector and then a folder (named after your media manager URL) where assets are stored.


Define a different storage location

Do you need a different storage location?

We still need to store the digizuite_preferences as per above but the storage location can be elsewhere.


To learn how to change the storage location, please refer to the Cache Manager documentation under:

CCC5.8 User Guide → CCC5.8 Working with assets → CCC5.8 Cache Manager