Digizuite™ Insights 5.2.0 - Installation

Digizuite™ Insights 5.2.0 - Installation

  1. Installing Digizuite™ Insights

The Digizuite™ Insights module is installed using Powershell. The Package, provided by the Digizuite DAM Vendor is a zip file with the following structure:

1.1 How to Install

To install the Digizuite™ Insights module, do the following:

  1. Edit Install.ps1, see Section 1.2 for adescription of all the parameters
  2. Run the Install.ps1, as administrator, either from Powershell or the Powsershell ISE

1.2 Variables

ConnectionStringMasterTrueConnectionString to Master Database on the SqlServer that should contain the Insights Database
ServicesFolderTruePath where Insights service should be installed
connStrDamTrueConnection String to Dam Database (copy from Dam site Web.config)
damSiteFQDNTrueFully qualified Domain Name of DamCenter
DbNameTrueDatabase Name of DamCenter Database
InsightsDbPasswordTrueSQL Password for Insights User
LogRootFalseRoot folder for LogFiles

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