Digizuite™ Insights 5.6.x - Installation
Get install files and edit variables in install.ps1 file
Run install.ps1 as admin from PowerShell
Installing Digizuite™ Insights
The Digizuite™ Insights module is installed using Powershell. The Package, provided by the Digizuite DAM Vendor is a zip file with the following structure:
If Datasynchronziation in PowerBI fails with cyclic reference errors - use pbix file from 5.6.1
OR modify the 5.6.o pbix file as follows
the issue is newer PowerBI Apps do not allow the parameterName Schema - Select Transform Data, and rename the parameters (left pane)
Database → parDatabase
Schema → parSchema
Server → parServer
Click Close & Apply + Refresh
How to Install
To install the Digizuite™ Insights module, do the following:
Edit Install.ps1, see ‘Variables’ section for a description of all the parameters
Run the Install.ps1, as administrator, either from Powershell or the PowerShell ISE
Variable | Mandatory | Description | Example |
ConnectionStringMaster | True | ConnectionString to Master Database on the SqlServer that should contain the Insights Database | Server=SERVERNAME;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;MultipleActiveResultSets=False; |
ServicesFolder | True | The path where Insights service should be installed | EH:\Services\Digizuite |
connStrDam | True | Connection String to Dam Database (copy from Dam site Web.config) |
damSiteFQDN | True | Fully qualified Domain Name of the Dam Center | dc.digizuite.com |
DbName | True | Database Name of DamCenter Database |
InsightsDbPassword | True |