DC 5.8 LogOn
DC 5.8 LogOn
Logon is for generating an accesskey for a user. It takes as argument the username and password and it returns a json object which includes an accesskey. Most of the times, this endpoint is sufficient for generating access keys as it defaults to the Digizuite product.
URL : /ConnectService.js
Method : POST
Auth required : NO
Required parameters
Name | Example | Description |
method | LogOn | //Fixed parameter that identifies the endpoint method. Specifies the ConnectService method, specifically LogOn in this case. |
username | donald | The username to log in with. This field is case insensitive.. |
password | 36846677e3a8f4c0b16d8bdf8ef18608 | An MD5 hash of the user's password. |
languageId (optional) | 3 | A language ID identifying language to the DAM. Languages available for use are set up in the DAMs System Tools → Language area. The ID can also be grabbed from here. When no languageId is specified the users language will be used or the system default if this is not set. |
cUrl example
Success Response
Code : 200 OK
Content example
{ { "success": "true", "items": [{ "accessKey": "2d8319f4-7a57-4ca0-a027-c44c2f259aac", "memberId": "23", "itemid": "3154", "languageId": "3" }] } }
Error Response
Code : 200 OK
Content example
{ "success": "false", "error": "Access denied." }