DC 5.7 LogOn

DC 5.7 LogOn

Logon is for generating an accesskey for a user. It takes as argument the username and password and it returns a json object which includes an accesskey. Most of the times, this endpoint is sufficient for generating access keys as it defaults to the Digizuite product.

URL : /ConnectService.js

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Required parameters


//Fixed parameter that identifies the endpoint method.

Specifies the ConnectService method, specifically LogOn in this case.

usernamedonaldThe username to log in with. This field is case insensitive..

An MD5 hash of the user's password.
Passwords are not stored in MD5, but MD5 is used in the LogOn method for backwards compatibility.



3A language ID identifying language to the DAM. Languages available for use are set up in the DAMs System Tools → Language area. The ID can also be grabbed from here. When no languageId is specified the users language will be used or the system default if this is not set.

cUrl example

curl -X POST \
https://some.dam.com/dmm3bwsv3/ConnectService.js \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
-F method=LogOn \
-F username=Guest \
-F password=0ea2f02d5f73c86c220ff08b23d1c3f1 \
-F languageId=3

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

		"success": "true",
		"items": [{
			"accessKey": "2d8319f4-7a57-4ca0-a027-c44c2f259aac",
			"memberId": "23",
			"itemid": "3154",
			"languageId": "3"

Error Response

Code : 200 OK

Content  example

    "success": "false",
    "error": "Access denied."