DC 5.8 Download and stream
DC 5.8 Download and stream
Downloading and streaming assets are done through a httphandler in the api. The same handler is used both for download and streaming.
The easiest way to get a Download/stream url would be to call the GetAssets search as that contains already constructed urls
{ "success": true, "error": "", "total": "1", "items": [{ "itemId": "23624", "totalCases": "1", "assetId": "3119", "itemId": "23624", "assetType": "4", "fileSize": "4318504", "name": "", "thumb": "https://mm-dam.dev.digizuite.com/dmm3bwsv3/3119_3_11_4_11_0_faa9987b-7b2d-47de-ab3a-92993146a802_False.jpg?mptdid=96310", "downloadSource": "https://mm-dam.dev.digizuite.com/dmm3bwsv3/3119_0_11_4_44_0_faa9987b-7b2d-47de-ab3a-92993146a802_True_.jpg", "imagePreview": "https://mm-dam.dev.digizuite.com/dmm3bwsv3/3119_2_11_4_11_0_faa9987b-7b2d-47de-ab3a-92993146a802_False.jpg?mptdid=96309", "videoPreview": "https://mm-dam.dev.digizuite.com/dmm3bwsv3/3119_10079_11_4_11_0_faa9987b-7b2d-47de-ab3a-92993146a802_False.mp4?mptdid=0", "videoPoster": "https://mm-dam.dev.digizuite.com/dmm3bwsv3/3119_2_11_4_11_0_faa9987b-7b2d-47de-ab3a-92993146a802_False.jpg?mptdid=96309", "sourceLocationPath": "\\\\DZ-DEV-APP01\\mmdev\\dmm\\Assets\\1-10000\\3101-3200\\3119\\3119_.jpg", "importDate": "2017-12-19T15:54:23.990+01:00", "importedBy": "SuperAdministrator", "assetVersionId": "", "isPublic": "1", "neverExpire": "1", "endDate": "2017-12-19T15:54:24.060+01:00", "published": "1", "writeAccess": "1", "readAccess": "1", "displayAssetId": 3119, "displayitemId": 23624, "displayName": "", "displayAssetType": "4", "displayFileSize": "4318504", "displayImportedBy": "SuperAdministrator", "displayImportDate": "2017-12-19T15:54:23.990+01:00" }] }
- Thumb is a thumbnail
- download source is downloading the original file
- ImagePreview is a larger preview
- videoPreview is for a video preview (mp4)
- videoPoster is a image preview for the video (image capture of a frame in the video)
Furthermore, the search can be expanded to contain more download/stream urls.
If the constructed url contains an mptdid in the end that is different from 0, then the url is valid. In the example above, the videopreview has an mptdid that is 0, which is indeed correct because it is an image and therefore it cannot have a video preview
Lastly it is possible to construct the urls manually.