Order of DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search filters and DigiZuite_System_Framework_AssetInfo outpu

In DC 4.7.0, the new Search 2 UI was introduced. This removed the user's control of the order of the searchFields and valueFields of a search. Trouble was, that's how people used to order the filters in MM's search and the data points in the Asset Info view (title, description, etc).

To fix this issue, we introduced the "custom attribute" "filterOrder". This could be applied to the searchFields in the DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search search.

In Dc 4.8.0, we've introduced a similar attribute for the valueFields in the DigiZuite_System_Framework_AssetInfo search: "displayOrder".

The important part!

If the customer relied upon the "filterOrder" attribute to order the filters used in MM, then the key used MUST now be changed to "displayOrder".