The order of filters and assetInfo uses the attribute "displayOrder"

Since the Search2 UI has been introduced, the user no longer has any control over the order of searchFields/valueFields in the searchXml.

This was used to order the filters used by the "DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search" and the order of the data points in the "asset info" details panel. 

As the user can no longer control the order by ordering the XML elements, we have introduced a new attribute "displayOrder". 

In the Input for the DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search search, filters can be ordered by adding the custom attribute "displayOrder" with a value from 1 and upwards. "1" being displayed first, "2" second, and so on. Any filters without this attribute will be ordered by the filter's label alphabetically.

In the Output for the DigiZuite_System_Framework_AssetInfo search, outputs can be ordered exactly like the ordering of filters explained above.

IMPORTANT (and really technical)

This logic has ONLY been implemented for the SearchService.js endpoints method="GetVisibleSearchFields" and method="GetAssetInfo". I.E. this is not generic functionality and will not be applied, if the user simply executes the searches..