DC 5.2.0 Step 2: Configuring Digizuite DAM to leverage CDN

Configuring Digizuite DAM to leverage CDN solutions is very simple, however it requires some understanding of the concept of destinations.

DestinationsĀ are essentially the place to which the physical files are pushed. Digizuite DAM, typically is configured to have two main destinations:

  • Backend (Asset Stoage SM)
  • Frontend (FrontendData SM)

each being configurable to the following physical locations:

  • UNC
  • FTP
  • Azure blob storage

The standard configuration typically has backend and frontend point the the same UNC storage drive, which then is where all the physical files are located.

The destination is important when generating the URLs because the service that downloads/streams the files needs to know from where the files should be fetched and hence the configuration of CDN resides on the destination.

Configuring CDN

To configure CDN, all Digizuite needs to know is the URL of the CDN endpoint. As explained above, this configuration resides on theĀ destination configuration.

Navigate to System toolsĀ ā†’ Destination, click the destination that is to be configured to leverage CDN and edit it. This shows the following dialog:

To configure CDN, simply provide the Endpoint Hostname (i.e. CDN URL) in the CDN URL field, without a trailing slash (this is also removed you try to append it). This must be done both on the Storage Manager and the active child destination! Once this is provided, all searches returns CDN Urls (for this destination) instead of Digizuite URLs.


If configuring CDN on a destination of type Storage Manager, both the Storage managers and the active child node MUST contain the CDN URL

The Endpoint Hostname is found in the Azure portal on the Endpoint overview pane.Ā 


If there are searches configured to use Solr that contains URLs (e.g. Digizuite_system_framework_search) these must be repopulated with data!

Lastly, remember that the frontend destination (FrontendData SM) is used for all frontends. Therefore, if one only wants accelerated content in Media Manager, one should of course configure an extra destination specifically for Media Manager.