1 Description of Asset Versioning - DAM v4.8.0

1 Description of Asset Versioning - DAM v4.8.0

Asset versioning is used in the Digizuite™ DAM Center to keep track of all the changes that an asset has been through. It gives you the possibility of replacing an already uploaded asset with a newer one, but also enables you to go back to the previous replaced asset.

The asset replacement functionality in DigiUpload requires 2 search xml files. The search name for the 2 xml files must be specified in the following 2 constants of Digizuite™: Digizuite_System_AssetReplacer_Search1 and Digizuite_System_AssetReplacer_Search2.


If the mentioned constants cannot be found in the Digizuite™ DAM Center, they must be created.


If the two mentioned constants can be found in the Digizuite™ DAM Center, the elements need to be added since the asset versioning is installed as disabled by default.

The following 2 examples illustrates the different versioning possibilities:

  • Compare and create a new version of the assets based on the filename
  • Compare and create a new version of the assets based on the metadata added


It will be explained to you how to create a new version based on the filename. The other versioning criterias are fully customizable based on the individual needs.


Navigate to System tools → ConfigManager → Digizuite DAM Center → <<Version number>> → Search tab in order to create the new search criterias.

1.1 Digizuite_System_AssetReplacer_Search1

The search looks for the itemid and retrieves the file name out of the individual items. The filename is used as the next search. The ID of valueid filename is important because it must be the same as in Search2.

<search name="AssetReplacer - Search 1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.w3schools.com http://documentation.Digizuite.dk/schemas/Digizuite/search2.xsd"><searchSection> <searchFields> <searchField id="itemIds" fieldName="item_asset_digiupload.itemid" operator="AND" valueHandler="InList" /> <searchField id="language" valueHandler="Equals" type="language" visible="false" /> <searchField id="security" securityType="AssetAndAssetDigiupload" visible="false" /> </searchFields>
<valueFields OutputType="SQLXML"> <valueField id="totalCases" fieldName="total_items" /> <valueField id="itemId" fieldName="item_asset_digiupload.itemid" /> <valueField id="fileName" fieldName="asset_digiupload.Assetname" /></valueFields>
<sortFields /> 

1.2 Digizuite_System_AssetReplacer_Search2

This search will find all the assets that match the search criteria. The value of filename in Search1 is used as a search criteria, which will result in finding all the assets that matches the same filename.

Note: It is important that the ID of the filename is one of the two queries otherwise it will not work.

In the following example, the name of the asset is used for comparison, but any other metadafield can be used as desired. At the moment, only simple types are supported.

<search name="AssetReplacer - Search 2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.w3schools.com http://documentation.Digizuite.dk/schemas/Digizuite/search2.xsd"><searchSection> <searchFields> <searchField id="fileName" operator="AND" valueHandler="Equals" visible="true" fieldName="asset_digiupload.Assetname" /> <searchField id="fileName" operator="AND" valueHandler="NotEmpty" visible="true" fieldName="asset_digiupload.assetid" />
<searchField id="language" valueHandler="Equals" type="language" visible="false" /> <searchField id="security" securityType="AssetAndAssetDigiupload" visible="false" /></searchFields>
<valueFields OutputType="SQLXML"> <valueField id="totalCases" fieldName="total_items" /> <valueField id="assetId" fieldName="asset.assetid" /> <valueField id="assetType" fieldName="asset.asset_type" /> <valueField id="itemId" fieldName="asset.itemid" /> <valueField id="name" fieldName="asset_detail.name" /> </valueFields>
<sortFields /> 

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