DC 4.8.0 - Release notes

DC 4.8.0 - Release notes

Digizuiteā„¢ DAM Center 4.8.0
Ā© 2006-2017 Digizuite A/S

Version : 4.8.0
Date : 2017-11-03

[DAM-1008] - Possible to cleanup Solr cores and SQL broker related items
[DAM-1234] - Add a new system language from UI.
[DAM-1596] - Embedplayer logic (and usage) now aligned with other products.
[DAM-1604] - Possible to expand all nodes in a Tree editor
[DAM-1620] - Full support for having portals restricted in DMZ zones
[DAM-1750] - Search editor can now force Solr core updates
[DAM-1834] - Search editor can now revert to any search previously defined
[DAM-1906] - Search editor can now show diff values
[DAM-1937] - Higher quality for PSD previews
[DAM-2127] - Azure storage support for all portals / channels
[DAM-2240] - Possible to change display ordering of asset information
[DAM-2375] - Improved logging from transcode system

[DAM-322] - Editing a member group does not page the member list
[DAM-1625] - Upload-tag-Name in not working
[DAM-1798] - Naming template for download not working correct
[DAM-1847] - Digibatch installer fails if the user is a Domain User
[DAM-1860] - Changing a Digizuite configuration setting requires to recycle the web site
[DAM-1874] - AD integration user cannot use password that contains "@"
[DAM-1879] - It is now possible to install DAM Center without sysadmin rights.
[DAM-1910] - Image crop not working due to missing write access
[DAM-1925] - Digimonitor/Digibatch performance issues
[DAM-1945] - Workflow for handling portal profile images fails
[DAM-1977] - Splash screen search does not respect the public setting
[DAM-1980] - Importing assets with metadata xml not working for MultiCombo or EditCombo
[DAM-2048] - Config Manager fails to serialize new transcode profiles
[DAM-2091] - BatchSystem does not respect video rotation information
[DAM-2105] - Search editor fails to serialize new fields
[DAM-2111] - Installer not working when specifying "." as domain.
[DAM-2113] - Dropfolder importer would fail if two filenames only differ by extension
[DAM-2115] - UI would not render new values for EditCombo fields
[DAM-2120] - Installer not backwards compatible dealing with configuration changes
[DAM-2137] - Uploads fails with certain Azure storage combinations
[DAM-2153] - Importer does not correctly dequeue failed jobs that have been deleted from UI
[DAM-2164] - Multiple fixes and optimizations to transcoding system in regards to reuse and Azure storage
[DAM-2165] - Installer fails when passwords contains reserved xml chars
[DAM-2211] - Combo values are not copied when creating a new metadata language
[DAM-2239] - Web installer does not create correct batch script for Windows services
[DAM-2244] - Exception when deleting catalog folders with multiple assets
[DAM-2247] - DigiBatch installer/update does not instruct user to remove existing version
[DAM-2281] - Using external authentication could prevent DAM Center from loading
[DAM-2282] - Publish workflow for DFS might not execute for new uploads
[DAM-2285] - Trying to edit metafields without write access might freezes UI
[DAM-2315] - Cropping images from iOS would rotate them incorrectly.

4.7.1 2017-07-03
Bug: Required fields could be ignored when uploading multiple files from within the DAM Center.
Bug: Uploading PDF with thumbnails fails using Azure storage.
Bug: Uploading TIFF with thumbnails fails using UNC storage.
Bug: Queue rights not correct set in the installer.
Bug: Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer did not load DAM Center UI.
Bug: Multiple fixes to the search editor.
Bug: Correct support for Azure ARM templates in the installer.
Bug: Installer might fail in a Windows 2016 / SQL Server 2016 combo.
Bug: Correct throttling when importing from hotfolder.

4.7.0 2017-04-28
New: The new Search2 Editor is a replacement for the XML text area, which was previously used to edit and/or create searches.
New: The ability to use the OR operator in Search2 searches.
New: The ability to automatically ingest keywords directly from IPTC of an image.
New: The XML definition of a search has been completely black boxed, in that a user no longer sees the XML.
New: Search2 has gotten a new, more user-friendly UI.
New: New installations of the DC will now pr. default have the ability to search for parts of a word, instead of using the whole word.
New: Improved password security in general.
New: Added compliance to SQL Server 2016.
New: Accompanying Search2 documentation.
New: API proxy support for pure https upload, which means that it's now possible to upload assets from DC without using HTTP.
Bug: Reimplemented two methods in regards to DFS, which weren't able to be called.
Bug: Fixed bug where the clean up functionality didn't run.
Bug: Fixed an issue which resulted in PPTX jobs not being handled correctly.
Bug: Fixed an issue which made it possible to have multiple destinations under a storage manager.
Bug: Fixed an issue where you were not able to save mail templates more than 4000 characters long.
Bug: Fixed an issue where you were not able to download assets in other languages than Danish.
Bug: Fixed an issue where using DFS could sometimes log you out of the DC.
Bug: Fixed an issue where uploading archive files would result in an error.
Bug: Fixed an issue where uploading an asset would result in warnings in the log files.
Bug: Fixed an issue where uploading a lot of assets at once, could result in an asset processing deadlock.
Bug: Fixed an issue where updating from an older version of the DC to 4.5.1+ would in some instances result in the loss of thumbnails.
Bug: Fixed an issue where there'd be too many SQL connections at the same time.
Bug: Fixed an issue where the built in system user would throw a warning in the log files.
Bug: Fixed an issue where the SolR plug-in would sometimes initiate more than once.
Bug: Fixed an issue where the DC wouldn't throw a warning if you did not have have a valid DC application license.
Bug: Fixed an issue where some systems didn't have access rights available for the MM channel.
Bug: Fixed an issue where replacing an asset uploaded in a pre-DC 4.6.0 would result in an error.
Bug: Fixed an issue where deleting multiple nodes in a tree structure would not be done if you were unauthorized to delete but one of the selected nodes.
Bug: Fixed an issue where PSD files would fail in certain instances.
Bug: Fixed an issue where DFS was referring to a wrong FFMPEG version for generating thumbnails.
Bug: Fixed a bug which made the log throw a false warning for the RoleType: System_Tools.
Big: Fixed an issue in the DC installer, which made the installation take 20+ minutes longer than it normally would.

4.6.1 2016-12-23
Fix: Fixes an issue where an error was thrown inside the log file due to a missing label.
Fix: Fixes a bug that was not allowing users with Upload Only role to login.
Fix: Fixes an issue where the embed functionality was visible inside the video player. Instead, the embed code should be copied from the Sharing tab inside the metadata editor.
Fix: Fixes an issue that would enable one to set access rights on the whole Channel section. The access rights should be set on folders.
Fix: Added 404 error message when the embedded video is not available.
Fix: Resolves a bug that was letting an user replace an asset even if the access to it was restricted.
Fix: Fixes an issue that cause excess logging for installations with AD (Active Directory) enabled.

4.6.0 2016-12-07
New: Drastically improved metadata import performance
New: Full compatibility with Microsoft ADFS
New: The foundational framework Sencha Ext JS has been updated to version 6 for an improved user experience
New: More metrics are now registered to make it possible to produce valuable statistical insights
New: More natural Google-based syntax for searching
New: Improvements to the administration interface for user rights and asset security
New: Standard support for the full HD video format (1920x1080)
New: Optimized processing of uploaded assets for improved performance
Fix: Fixes an issues that in rare cases could cause the job queue stall
Fix: Fixes an issue that would prevent the embed player from entering full screen on newer iOS devices
Fix: Fixes for several issues regarding 3D assets
Fix: Fixes a bug that would prevent asset replacing from working on Azure hosted installations

4.5.1 2016-07-07
Fix: Make sure we set Anonymous and Windows authentication as per USE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY. Both for main site and for sub sites.
Fix: In some situations it was not possible to save metadata changes in config manager.
Fix: Add tree value path to Adobe Creative Cloud Connector searches.
Fix: Upload flow, where there is both the Layout and Catalog folder, would ignore the Catalog folder in some circumstances. (Seen in Zoom/Crop)
Fix: Make certain all jobs are enabled when allocating a new job-server.
Fix: Keep security when moving asset to archive for versioned assets.
Fix: Show asset-type if extension is empty.
Fix: Sort paging count as number instead of a string.
Fix: Copy width & height for Photoshop images to asset width/height.
Fix: Copy width & height for video to asset width/height.
Fix: Asset source-copy did not get transcoded if source asset had no media format.
Fix: Add metafield type note to DateModified logic.
Fix: SQL error in stored procedures generated from boolean search section (when searchxml has freetext section and is not solr enabled).
Fix: New running jobs would not show up in the tree in certain situations.
Fix: Xml2Member plugin for DigiMonitor imports members and group relations.
Fix: Adaptive Bit-rate profiles added to the Profile list.
Fix: You could not create wizards.
Fix: Email received from Digizuiteā„¢ Media Manager did not correspond with the selected action.
Fix: You could not download multiple assets inside the DAM Center.
Fix: Could not compare different versions in the Config Manager.
Fix: Transcode system now demands a Source Format Type, unless the transcode can accept all media_formats as input (SourceCopy)
Fix: Added flag on media_transcode, so a transcode can be excluded from the automatic transcodepath discovery, transcodes with this flag can only be used by specifying the transcodeid explicit
Fix: Asset_Type configuration no longer accepts transcodeid as parameter, target media formatid must be specified
Fix: Profiles no longer accepts transcodeid as configuration, only media_formatid is allowed
Fix: Identify rules identify changed, now identifies media as a source format.

4.5.0 2016-01-04
New: New role added for members that should have upload only possibility.

4.4.0 2016-07-02
New: Asset streamer now supports a more flexible way of gathering default preview for assets.
New: Source Override indtroduced in Transcode system
Fix: Improved speed when pushing rights to subfolders.
Fix: ConnectAsMemberRequiresExternalVerification test for password missing but doesnā€™t require password.
Fix: Sending email from Video Portal did not work in certain situations.
Fix: Running jobs are exploding when publishing specific asset types.
Fix: Multiple fixes for ItemReference source asset transcode logic.
Fix: Make sure BackendbaseUrl is set for AD logins.
Fix: SSOService with no options now works again.
Fix: Make sure we use the correct name for main-id in bind logic in search2.
Fix: More robust string to date conversion in search2.
Fix: Possible wrong Optimization logic for version metadata when used in sort.

4.3.0 2016-09-02
New: Extra bit field on media_transcode checks whether ICC profile should be copied to destination.
New: ICC target profile is now prefixed by the output file it relates to.
New: Support for ItemReference in Transcode to get source from a referred asset.
New: IngestHandeler supports updating ItemReference based on another metafield.
Fix: Optimization of version metadata retrieved from API.
Fix: Force IE to Edge for X-UA-Compatible
Fix: Make ImageMagic use auto-rotate to get images rotated per EXIF information.
Fix: Support for resize API on other asset types than images. (But only on assets where a transcode results into an image).
Fix: Updated logo to Digizuite instead of House&Co.
Fix: RunningJobs role did not work.
Fix: Small UI improvements and touches.

4.2.0 2016-01-22
New: Improved Microsoft Azure integration.
New: Granular security descriptors delivered by search.
Fix: In certain circumstances, data inserted under ConfigManager, Profiles & Destinations was not correctly saved.
Fix: Sometimes Crop failed to work as intended.
Fix: Improved UX when editing the menu tree.
Fix: In certain circumstances, assets were not deleted when deleting a Catalog folder.
Fix: Zoom/Crop tool failed to load if the site was running Active Directory integration.
Fix: The workflow to publish on multiple channels, was not working in special cases.
Fix: OOBE workflow "metadata change" and "unpublish" corrected.
Fix: Language dependent configuration changes when installing DAM Center now includes tree and combo values.

4.1.3 2016-05-01
Fix: Solr filtering.
Fix: German translations.
Fix: Make sure wee use Ranged download when ever posible.

4.1.2 2015-16-12
Fix: Roles "MediaPortal_Asset_Replacer" and "MediaPortal_Asset_Unpublisher" were added to control the Replace and Remove functionality inside Digizuiteā„¢ Medtia Manager.
Fix: Search2 was not supporting search directly in item_security table. A search for any item type can now be expanded to include item_security records.
Fix: Roles "Editor_SystemTools_FrontendUserManager_Users" and "Editor_SystemTools_FrontendUserManager_Groups" were removed. Instead, those have been replaced with "Editor_SystemTools_UserManager_Users", which gives access to user management of both types, and "Editor_SystemTools_UserManager_Groups", which gives access to group management of both types.
Fix: Search2 security types ItemSecurityReadAccessCompleteRoleCheck and ItemSecurityWriteAccessCompleteRoleCheck was not including checks for System Tool specific roles. Two named searches have been updated to use them.
Fix: DigiMonitor event "LiveAsset Updated" now includes OptionValue and LanguageJoinGuid in eventdata for combo and tree type values.
Fix: Page size of combo and multicombo can now be set again. Available size are -1 through 100. A value of -1 means no paging. A value of 0 means use default. 1 through 100 will set the size accordingly.
Fix: Config option for DAM for "Max Tooltip Width". The value is initiated at 300 (pixels). Use this when there is a need for showing text data in tooltip that might not fit.
Fix: Paging for all Combo and MultiCombo style metafields has been disabled in DigiUpload (the Adobe Air one).
Fix: Search2 security type: Roleexception with write access check has been removed.
Fix: Role checks refactored to be more object oriented.
Fix: Searches and languages labels can be created, updated or deleted without the Editor_SystemTools_Config role.
Fix: Profiles and Destinations under Conifg Manager can be done with a layout folder without having write access.
Fix: Metafield groups, metafields, metafield labels, combo values and tree values can be edited with the Editor_SystemTools_Metadata role. Item_security check is now performed also.
Fix: Security for item_types that does not have a complete item_security implementation are not properly allowed via BatchUpdate.
Fix: Timeout for BatchUpdate is now 120 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
Fix: Messages for upload dialogue will give a little more information about the running job.
Fix: UI loadmask disappeared while uploading.
Fix: Copied note field when making a crop.
Fix: VP3 search for member did not return roles inherited through group membership.
Fix: Adding a node in the tree editor sometimes failed in certain situations.
Fix: Asset streamer Azure stream reimplemented.
Fix: Make certain the api returnes time zone information for date and time.
Fix: Support for fields with predefined values in Solr searches.
Fix: Tooltip fields were required to be specified as column fields.
Fix: Boolean fields in tooltips and columns now show as translated "True" and "False" values.
Fix: Tooltip fields no longer overlap when long labels or values are specified.
Fix: Workflow wizard loading.
Fix: Center part of layout now has a minimum width to prevent user from resizing to a point where scrollbars are no longer visible.

4.1.1 2015-13-11
New: Zoom/Crop as optional feature for images. Disabled by default.
New: Config option for Digizuiteā„¢ Video Portal to allow edit based on Access Control only.
New: Config option for Digizuiteā„¢ Media Manager to show asset info by default in preview.
New: Config option for Digizuiteā„¢ Media Manager to hide uploader name.
New: ItemSecurity dialog for assets: when security is inherited it is now grayed out and can no longer be deleted - remove icon is no longer shown.
New: ItemSecurity dialog: Access icon changed, noaccess icon added and remove icon changed - all are now glyphicons.
New: ItemSecurity dialog: Access and no access icons are clickable and will toggle access when clicked.
New: ItemSecurity dialog for assets: Inherited access rights can now be changed so access can be restricted or expanded.
Fix: EditCombo sometimes did not store data.
Fix: ItemSecurity from upload folders and member folders are no longer taken into calculation as they are no longer used.
Fix: ItemSecurity logic refactored and partly rewritten so only one version of setting or recalculating is in use.
Fix: ItemSecurity write access no longer given for any member via roleexception check if any group has the role Editor_SystemTools_AlwaysAllowItemSecurityEdit.
Fix: Better handling of users without access to anything in navigation tree
Fix: Remove poster image when video has started playing
Fix: Freetext search in asset type.
Fix: For filterDialog in Chrome.
Fix: Do not fail transcode if no asset title on users language.
Fix: Solr: Better handling of int.
Fix: Styling fixes for iterative lists and confirmation dialog for delete.
Fix: ConfigManager show versionGuid.
Fix: Added config param Disclamer to Digizuiteā„¢ Media Manager.
Fix: Fix for problems deleting iterative list items.
Fix: Use tcp keepalive for http access.
Fix: Fix 'AND' not in solr integration.
Fix: Default h264 preview to 16:9.
Fix: Re-enable Change password for normal users.
Fix: Self-Heal if database connection fails in solr digimonitor plugin.
Fix: Loading animation when appropiate.
Fix: Better resizing behaviour of UI.
Fix: More intuitive upload validation with dynamic status of required.
Fix: ItemHandler.CreateFolderFromFolderStructureString no longer supports /FrontendAccess/ClearAccess as part of EventData as this would cause unwanted access deletes.
Fix: Deactivating an ItemWatcher instance now deactivates it immediately. Restarting DigiMonitor is no longer needed.
Fix: Solr asset document ID now consists of a combination of item ID and language ID. Now repopulation will never create duplicate documents again. Solr data will be automatically repopulated as part of the DAM Center update.
Fix: Upload validation allows assets with missing required metadata to upload anyway.

4.0.3 2015-19-10
Fix: Installer adjustments for Azure.
Fix: Installer default log level lowered.
Fix: Solr integration check for empty values.

4.0.2 2015-02-10
Fix: Active Directory multi domain support.
Fix: Multiple Solr search adjustments.
Fix: Upload from Sitecore.
Fix: Performance enhancements to upload scenarios.
Fix: Language selector now remembers selection throughout the session.
Fix: Multiple installer adjustments,
Fix: ConfigManager fix to version inheritance.
Fix: SSO with AD could fail.
Fix: Combobox paging fixes.
Fix: Media templates can now be created correct where needed.
Fix: ServiceBroker master keys were not always created.
Fix: Multiple adjustments to user creation scenario.
Fix: Duplicate emails sent by workflow system.

4.0.1 2015-11-09
New: Completely rewritten UI/UX interface.
New: intuitive workflow wizards.
New: Out-of-the-box configuration where less is more.
New: Digizuiteā„¢ cleanup services.
New: Support for Digizuiteā„¢ Office Connector in config manager.
New: Support for Digizuiteā„¢ Creative Cloud Connector in config manager.
New: Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2014.

4.0.0 2015-11-09
Version 4.0.0 equals 4.0.1

Supported browsers and platforms
The compatibility list adheres to the specific version and release date defined by this document.
All browsers and platforms assumes the latest release versions unless stated otherwise.

Windows : Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
Mac OS : Google Chrome

Licenses and credits:
"jQuery" by Jquery.org is licensed under MIT license, The Dojo Foundation.
"ImageMagick" by Imagemagick.org is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license with the below notice.
"FFmpeg" by ffmpeg.org is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1.
"SharpZipLib" by icsharpcode.github.io/SharpZipLib is licensed under custom GPL (see below).
"Mvp.Xml" by mvpxml.codeplex.com is licensed under custom BSD (see below).
"Json.NET" by www.newtonsoft.com/json is licensed under MIT license, The Dojo Foundation.
"NHunspell" by www.crawler-lib.net/nhunspell is free and requires no license.
"Solr" by lucene.apache.org/solr is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.
"Ghostscript" by ghostscript.com is licensed under GNU Affero GPL license.

MIT license

Apache 2.0 license

GNU Affero General Public License

GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1

The library is released under the GPL with the following exception:

Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library.
Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.

As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an executable,
regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module.
An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library.
If you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are not obligated to do so.
If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.

This software uses libraries from the FFmpeg project under the LGPLv2.1
The libraries was obtained as binaries from the FFmpeg website that also contains the source code:

BSD License

Copyright (c) 2005, XMLMVP Project
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:

* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of the XMLMVP Project nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.


Licensed under the ImageMagick License (the "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.

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