2. Connecting Office applications to the DAM Center

2. Connecting Office applications to the DAM Center

  1. Start the desired Microsoft program (eg., Word or PowerPoint)
  2. go to Files →  Add-ons - this will display the Configure Digizuite Office Connector 
  3. Fill in the fields as follows:
    1. Use single sign-on - if your DAM Center has Single-sign on (SSO) enable, check the box. Otherwise, leave it empty.
    2. Single sign-on URL - if you've enabled SSO above, enter the SSO URL here
    3. ADFS server - if you're using ADFS, enter the server information here
    4. Digizuite™ DAM Center URL - enter the protocol and hostname of your DAM Center, for instance "https://damcenter.domain.com/"
    5. Username - enter your Digizuite username
    6. Password - enter your Digizuite password
    7. UI language - select your preferred language for the Office Connector user interface

  4. Check the information entered is correct, then press Submit.
    1. If you get an error, correct the configuration values above and try again
  5. Confirm the connection by opening the Digizuite™ ribbon, click "Show / hide image search", and performing a search.
    1. If the panel appears to be working but gives you no results, you may not have published images to the Digizuite Office Connector channel yet

Now, Microsoft Word is linked to the Digizuite™ DAM Center and the Digizuite™ Office Connector is ready for use.

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