2 Setting up the website

2 Setting up the website

1.1 Prepare the website folder

  1. Unzip the zip file which has been supplied you by your Digizuite DAM consultant.
  2. Move the unzipped folder to your Webs folder (by default the Digizuite DAM Center will have created one here: C:/Webs)
  3. Rename it to match your site's DNS name, e.g. "insights.mycompany.com", thereby making it look like this: C:/Webs/insights.yourdomain.com

1.2 Create a new IIS website

To create a new website, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Access the IIS (Internet Information ServicesManager which has been installed with the Digizuite DAM Center installation package, by searching for IIS in the built-in Windows search tool.
  2. Right click the web server and select Add website.
  3. Once you select Add website, a new window will show up.
  4. In the new dialog that pops up, write in the following
    • Site name - We recommend that you name the folder to match the prepared DNS record name. (e.g. insights.yourdomain.com)
    • Physical path - Specify the path to your site's files. (the files you unzipped in the beginning of the guide) (usually: C:/Webs/insights.yourdomain.com)
    • Binding type - Choose whether to use HTTP or HTTPS - HTTPS requires a certificate, which you must get from your IT department. (This is unless you've installed a "star" certificate on the server)
    • Host name - Specify the prepared DNS record name. (e.g. insights.yourdomain.com)
  5. Press OK

1.3 Setup Application Pool

In order for your web site to function properly, do the following steps:

  1. Expand the server content from the IIS Manager window and Select the Application Pools menu.
  2. Locate the pool with the same name as your website and double click it.
  3. The Edit Application Pool window will pop-up. Confirm that the selected .Net CLR version is 4+. (Which it is by default)

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