1 What is metadata? - DAM v4.7.0

1 What is metadata? - DAM v4.7.0

Before getting to the process of working with metadata, you have to understand the power of it.

Metadata, also known as "data about data", it is a descriptive information added to a file that will further on be transformed into an asset once the metadata is added.

You might wonder if there is any difference between the two terms: files and assets. A file is an item that you cannot change, you take it and use it as it is. An asset is the item that has metadata added to it for further usage of it in different situations.

Adding metadata to a file, helps you to take advantage of the asset in different situations. The metadata added to it can contain information from Title, Description, Category to Image Resolution, Size, File format and much more.

The data added helps for easy search, sorting and information gathering.

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