DC 4.10.0 - Exporter Installation

DC 4.10.0 - Exporter Installation

The Exporter gets its data from a search. You can create this search yourself, but it is recommended to use the search created by the Exporter's DbUpgrade.

This recommendation is mainly due to easier configuration later on:

  • Creating your own search requires time, additional changes to the application configuration, and it also increases the probability of human errors.
  • The out-of-the-box search includes several filters, that the Exporter application expects to be there. 
  • The out-of-the-box search includes several outputs, which are necessary to export the assets and meta data, e.g. paging information and the name and extension of exported files.

In order to run the DbUpgrade application, edit the connectionString and the versionGuid in the "DbUpgrade.exe.config" configuration file, save the file, and then simply execute the DbUpgrade.exe application.

The connectionString requires 4 parameters:

  1. Data Source - the IP of the server hosting the database.
  2. Initial Catalog - the DAM Center's database.
  3. User ID - a database user with sufficient rights to add a search.
  4. Password - the password of said user.

An example of a valid connection string: 

Data Source=;Initial Catalog=jbdev_dam;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=admin_jbdev_dam;Password=admin_jbdev_dam;

The versionGuid can be retrieved from the DAM Center:

  1. Log in with a user, that has access to System tools.
  2. Go to the ConfigManager  in System tools.
  3. Select the 4.0.0 DAM-version.
  4. Click on the Menu.
  5. Click on Version information.
  6. Copy the Version guid

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