DC 4.10.0 - Exporter Application configuration

DC 4.10.0 - Exporter Application configuration

This section describes the application level configuration. This configuration is done in the app.config which is named Exporter.exe.config.

    <!--Below fields are required to get the search result, which determines what meta data to export-->
  <add key="apiUrl" value="https://local.dev.digizuite.com/dmm3bwsv3"/>
  <add key="username" value="SuperAdministrator"/>
  <add key="password" value="098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6"/>
  <add key="searchName" value="exportSearch"/>
  <!--Below configs are possible inputs for the exporting search. 
      The conditions in the search's filters have an AND relationship, so writing all values will only export assets, which adhere to ALL conditions.-->
  <add key="channelId" value=""/>
  <add key="catalogFolderId" value=""/>
  <add key="assetIds" value="1"/>

  <!--Getting the data to export is done with pagination. This may be desirable if millions of assets and their meta data are to be exported. -->
  <add key="assetsPerPage" value="100"/>
  <!--Below fields are used to determine what kind of export to perform. 
      Some fields are plugin specific, i.e. "folderPath" is required for the plugins "XmlToLocalFolder" and "ExcelToLocalFolder" and others-->
  <!--Defines what the meta data should be save as. The options are "Excel" and "XmlFiles"-->
  <add key="metadataTransformType" value="XmlFiles"/>
  <!--Defines where/how the meta data should be saved. The options are "XmlToLocalFolder" and "ExcelToLocalFolder"
      Please note that these options work in conjunction with the options for metadataTransformType, i.e. you cannot have a metadataTransformType of "Excel"
      and a metadataDeliverType of "XmlToLocalFolder".-->
  <add key="metadataDeliveryType" value="XmlToLocalFolder"/>
  <!--Defines where to place the exported assets. The option is only "LocalFolder" ATM.-->
  <add key="assetDeliveryType" value="LocalFolder"/>
  <!--Determines whether to also export asset. The options are "true" and "false"-->
  <add key="exportAssets" value="true"/>
  <!--Determies where the exported assets and mata data are placed (if the "LocalFolder" types are used)-->
  <add key="folderPath" value="C:\Users\jb.DIGIDOM\working\exportedAssets"/>
  <!--Determines whether the exported assets are deleted when the export is done. 
      NB! The "delete" is a soft delete, i.e. some variables in the DB are changed, but the relevant files and records still exist-->
  <add key="deleteExportedAssets" value="false"/>

  <!--Below fields are required to parse the search result into meta data and also persisting the meta data and assets.
      Each of "FieldId" values match the IDs in the search-->
  <!--Becomes the file name of of the exported files-->
  <add key="titleFieldId" value="title"/>
  <add key="extensionFieldId" value="extension"/>
  <add key="urlFieldId" value="sourceUrl"/>
  <!--Used when searching for assets and meta data using paging-->
  <add key="totalFieldId" value="total"/>
  <!--The search used to get the assets and meta data may return values, which shouldn't be exported. Define those values here.-->
  <add key="metadataExcludeFieldIds" value="extension,total_items,sourceUrl,total,itemId"/>
  <!--Some meta data may be complex types like trees or multi combos. Those meta data will become a string that's seperated by the "splitter" value.-->
  <add key="splitter" value="|"/>
apiUrlThe URL for the DC's API. In almost all cases, this URL is simply composed of the URL to the DC, with "/dmm3bwsv3/" added to the end. Use this unless otherwise specified.
usernameThe username of the user with read rights to the assets and meta data being exported. The language of this user determines the language of the exported meta data.

An MD5 hash of the password corresponding to username.

searchNameThe search used to retrieve the meta data and assets.
channelIdAn optional filter. Write a channel's ID here to only export assets and meta data from said channel. See section below about limiting the exported assets.
catalogFolderIdAn optional filter. Write a catalog folder's ID here to only export assets and meta data from said catalog folder. See section below about limiting the exported assets.
assetIdsAn optional filter. Write 1-many comma-separated asset IDs to only export said assets. See section below about limiting the exported assets.
assetsPerPageThe page size, the search uses when getting its results.
metadataTransformTypeDetermines what the meta data is exported as. The valid values are either "Excel" or "XmlFiles"

Determines where/how the meta data should be sent after being processed. The valid values are either "ExcelToLocalFolder" or "XmlToLocalFolder". 

Please note that these options work in conjunction with the options for metadataTransformType, i.e. you cannot have a metadataTransformType of "Excel"
and a metadataDeliverType of "XmlToLocalFolder"

assetDeliveryTypeDetermines where/how the assets should be sent after being processed. ATM, the only valid option is "LocalFolder".
exportAssetsDetermines whether to also export assets or to only export meta data. The valid values are either "true" or "false".
folderPathA path to where the processed assets and/or meta data should be placed. The path must be a full path to a folder on the machine executing the application, e.g. "C:\Users\jb\working\exportedAssets".
deleteExportedAssetsDetermines whether the exported assets should be deleted from the DAM Center when the export is done.
Please note that this "delete" is a soft delete, i.e. some variables in the DB are changed, but the relevant files and records still exist

Provides a pointer to the file name of the exported assets and meta data, which is provided by the exporting search. The "exportSearch", which comes with the DbUpgrade application, uses the "Asset info" meta data group's "Title" meta field.

extensionFieldIdProvides a pointer to the file extension of the exported assets, which is provided by the exporting search. The "exportSearch", which comes with the DbUpgrade application, uses the value found in asset_digiupload.FileType.
urlFieldIdProvides a pointer to the URL used to download an asset, which is provided by the exporting search. 
totalFieldIdThe exporting search's "total number of results" used for paging.
metadataExcludeFieldIdsThe search used to get the assets and meta data may return values, which shouldn't be exported. Define those values here in a comma-separated string e.g. "extension,sourceUrl,total,ItemId".

Some meta data may be complex types like trees or multi combos. Those meta data will become a string that's seperated by the "splitter" value.

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