DC 6.1 Analytics - Example dashboards

DC 6.1 Analytics - Example dashboards

Analytics comes with two example dashboards that show information on:

  • Asset downloads

  • User logins

These dashboards can be added from the main page by clicking the Add example dashboard button at the bottom left of the screen.

Asset downloads

The Asset downloads dashboard comes with 3 different items:

  • Asset download over the last 6 months as a graph

  • A list of the most downloaded assets

  • A world map of where the assets were downloaded

Member logins

The Member logins (user logins) dashboard also comes with 3 different items:

  • Number of logins over the last 6 months as a graph

  • The most common places the login was conducted from. This will, for instance, also log logins of integrations

  • A world map showing where the logins happened