DC 6.1 Service configuration
Each service in Digizuite exposes a set of configuration options. These can be controlled under General settings/Service configuration.
Each tab configures the following
Logging: Log level
Log level to include in stacktrace - configures the level of information to include when something fails
Log level - Configures the general log level
Log level: Transcode service - Configures the log level for the transcode service
Log level: Transcode execution engine - Configures the log level for the transcode execution engine
Log level: Rebus - configures the log level for Rebus. Rebus is used to control RabbitMq and Nats
Log level: Entity framwork core - configures the log level for all database interactions
Log level: default - configures the default log level
Log level: Dedicated Transcode service - Configures the log level for the dedicated transcode service
Job Status
Batch Gather Duration - Configures the interval in which status messages in Digibatch and automations updated
Computer vision details
Faces person group - configures the name of the group that is setup in the Azure facial detection setup
ocr extract from image - Enables OCR in images
ocr extract from pdf - enables OCR in text files (Pdf, word, etc).
Ocr task delay lentgh - configures the delay in the task that is started for ocr
Video indexer watcher interval - configures the time interval in which the Azure video indexer is polled for status
Internal debouncing
Data folder - configures the folder in which the debounced messages are saved
Message between garbage collection - configures when garbage collection should be run
return limit - configures the maximum amount of messages that can be returned after they are debounced
Sleep interval - configures the interval in which the service sleeps before checking more messages
Status cleanup
Delay between checks - configures how often we should check for messages that should be deleted
Keep old status updates - configures retention period for status messages
Business workflow
Migration instance limit - configures how many instances can be migrated at a time when a workflow is changed
Timed transitions
Sleep interval - configures how often Timed transitions in workflows should be checked if they have parsed.
Youtube cleanup
Time between checks - configures how often the cleanup should be run
Configuration management
Default member password - configures the default password for members that are being created
max concurrent requests - configures the maximum allowed number of actions to be executed in parallel
Configuration management: Template source
Template Source: Github Branch Name - configures the branch name from which default layers should be fetched
Template Source: Git Hub Organization - configures the Github organization from which the default layers should be fetched
Template Source: Git Hub Repository Name - configures the Github repository from which the default layers should be fetched
Template Source: Type - configures the type from which the default layers should be fetched
Check in out details
Default Check Out Duration - configures the default time a check out last
Asset streamer settings
Cache Duration - configures for how long asset entries should be cached
Asset streamer settings: format
Format: Audio Preview Format Id - configures default audio preview format
Format: Large Thumb Format Id - configures default Large Thumb Format Id
Format: Pdf Format Id - configures default Pdf Format Id
Format: Thumb Format Id - configures default Thumb Format Id
Format: Video Preview Format Id - configures default Video Preview Format
Asset indexing settings
Asset Load Bulk Size - Configures the number of assets indexed at a time when re-indexing everything
Work factor - configures the work factor for password hashing strength
SMTP Settings
Fallback From Address - Configures the e-mail address used for e-mail sending
Host - configures the smtp host
Password - configures the smtp user password
Port - configures the smtp port
Username - configures the smtp username
Login service
Work factor - configures the work factor for password hashing strength. This must be the same as Crypography
Config version id - Deprecated property needed for backwards compatibility. Used to be unique identifier for Media manager portal
Time between cleanup - configures how often expired accesskeys should be cleaned up.
Access Key Valid Duration - configures for how long an accesskey is valid
Refresh Token Valid Duration - configures for how long the refresh token is valid
Automatically Extend Session on Refresh - configures if the accesskey should be refreshed when expired
User management
Detect And Add Missing Md5 Hash - If true will allow plain text password resets. This should be handled by UI.
Password Validation Regex - configures a regex to enforce password strength
Timeout - configures the timeout for password reset codes.