DC 5.9 Breaking Changes - Tree Metafield "Select to root"

Consider the following tree metafield where "Select to root" is enabled:


Suppose an asset A does not have any of the tree values set.

Set/merge operation:

Suppose the value 3 is set for A via the API. The breaking change is:

  • Before: Only the value 3 was set.

  • After: The values 3, 2, and 0 are set. I.e. all ancestors are now automatically set.


Unset operation:

Suppose the value 3 is unset for A via the API. The breaking change is:

  • Before: Only the value 3 was unset.

  • After: The values 3, 2, and 0 are unset. If 1 is already set for A, then only the values 3 and 2 are unset. Thus, an ancestor value is only unset if A has no other values in the subtree rooted at the ancestor value.



Be aware that both the importer and automations use our API. Thus, the breaking change described above also affects usage of the importer and usage of the automation step “Set Tree Metafield”.