DFS 11.1 - Metadata language versioning

DFS 11.1 - Metadata language versioning

The assets in Digizuite DAM support metadata language versioning. In Sitecore the DAM for Sitecore connector can synchronize these metadata languages. The connector can be setup in 2 ways.

  1. You always sync in one language against Digizuite, fetching metadata in one language, no matter how many languages you support in Sitecore. This is the deafult setting. Will sync in english.
    In the config file App_Config → Include → damforsitecore → DFS.Settings.config you set this setting <setting name="DFS.OnlySyncAssetsInDefaultLanguage" value="true" /> to true.
    You can control the default language to sync with these settings:
    <setting name="DFS.Digizuite.Default.LanguageId" value="3" /> This is the languageId from Digizuite. Ask Digizuite for the id, if you want to use another then english.
    <setting name="DFS.AssetSilo.Default.Language" value="en" /> This should be the one from Sitecore.Globalization.Language.CultureInfo.Name.

  2. You sync against Digizuite with the supported metadata languages.
    In the config file App_Config → Include → damforsitecore → DFS.Settings.config you set this setting <setting name="DFS.OnlySyncAssetsInDefaultLanguage" value="true" /> to false.
    The next thing is to tell the DFS connector the language mapping between Sitecore and Digizuite. Look for this section:

    <DFS.LanguageMapping> <add name="en" digizuiteLanguageId="3" /> <add name="da" digizuiteLanguageId="1" /> </DFS.LanguageMapping>

    It is important that you map the Sitecore language name with the Digizuite langaugeid. The name property for the Sitcore language should be the one from this api Sitecore.Globalization.Language.CultureInfo.Name.
    The digizuite languageId can be retrived by the Digizuite team. In this example we synchronize danish and english metadata.

If you have a content page in a language that is not supported in Digizuite and has not been added to the languageMapping, it will then fallback to the default language.




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