DFS 11.1 - Release notes

Version : 11.1.2
Date : 2024-12-11

[DFS-1706] Synchronizing some video assets would fail


Version : 11.1.1
Date : 2024-10-24

[DFS-1696] Added possibility to filter asset transcodes

Version : 11.1
Date : 2024-05-15

[DFS-1670] New resizing
[DFS-1673] JSS: Make the output properties configuable in our 3 FieldSerializers
[DFS-1675] Create nuget package with DFS binaries
[DFS-1682] Make it possible to add crop parameters as part of the mediahandler url

[DFS-1678] Improve error handling for broken links that cannot be fixed
[DFS-1679] Optimize use of HttpClient
[DFS-1681] Insert assets for the first time into expirenceEditor will force the site to reload
[DFS-1683] Full sync is crashing when there are assets that contains crops with duplicated/empty cropnames