CCC5.9 LM Handling statuses

CCC5.9 LM Handling statuses


Dependent on which assets have been selected, the multi selection button in the top bar will change accordingly based on the status of the assets selected as shown on the example below:


‘Relink/update’, ‘Change quality’, ‘Unembed’ and ‘Upload’ actions can all be done from the more options for the individual asset or the multi selection button for all selected assets.


Link to asset action can only used in the ‘More’ menu for the individual asset.

Relinking and updating assets

Select the assets with yellow links and/or yellow clocks icons, click the multi selection button in the top bar, and press ‘Relink’.

Under the top bar, the download progress will be displayed for the asset currently processed. You can click the download progress bar to see the progress of all the assets in the queue.

The link manager will reflect your changes and when all the assets have been processed, the download bar will display ‘Processed’.


The download progress bar will be displayed for relinking/updating, changing quality, unembedding and linking to asset.

Changing the quality of asset(s)

Changing the quality of links can be done in two ways, i.e. by:

  1. Clicking the more options button and hovering over the ‘Change quality’ button. This will display the currently selected quality and all of the possible qualities the asset can be changed to.

  2. Selecting all the assets that the user wants to change the asset quality on and then clicking the ‘Change quality’ button in the multi selection button in the top bar. This will open a modal to select low or high quality


The link manager will reflect your changes and when all the assets have been processed, the download bar will display ‘Processed’.


Unembedding Digizuite asset(s)

Select the assets with yellow warning icons, click the multi selection button in the top bar, and press ‘Unembed’.

The link manager will reflect your changes and when all the assets have been processed, the download bar will display ‘Processed’.


Uploading asset(s)

Select the assets with yellow upload icons, click the multi selection button in the top bar, and press ‘Upload’.

If the document is not saved before clicking the ‘Upload’ button, the following dialog will appear in the bottom right corner:

Two cases can occur when uploading an asset to the DAM:

  1. The asset does not already exist in the DAM and it will be uploaded

  2. The asset already exists in the DAM and a dialog concerning duplicates will be prompted.

When the user have decided how to handle the duplicates, the upload process progress will begin.

Under the top bar, the upload progress and the download progress will be displayed for the asset currently processed. After asset(s) have been uploaded to the DAM, the download progress will begin.

You can click either the upload or the download progress bar to see the progress of all the assets in the queue.

The link manager will reflect your changes and when all the assets have been processed, the download bar will display ‘Processed’.

Link to asset (Locate local asset that exists in DAM)

Click the ‘More’ button on the asset card with red warning icon that says: “Cannot find local content” and click the ‘Link to asset’ button. A modal with be prompted as seen in the image below:

The modal will conduct a free-text search in the DAM based on the title of the local asset. If no asset(s) match the search criteria, the view will remain empty. The user can select the asset they wish to relink to the local missing asset by selecting it from the search results. If the search does not yield the expected results, the user can clear the search to view all the images in the DAM that can be selected. Once the user has selected the asset to relink to, they can click the ‘Select asset’ button.

The link manager will reflect your changes and when the asset have been processed, the download bar will display ‘Processed’.

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