DC 5.10 Breaking changes - Crop

DC 5.10 Breaking changes - Crop

  • The endpoint <api-url>/DigizuiteCore/LegacyService/api/crop/custom has been deleted.

    • This endpoint was previously used in MM5 for creating custom qualities of images and it had very limited capabilities.

    • The new custom quality functionality, described here, is now used instead, providing a lot more capabilities than the old endpoint.

  • The endpoint <api-url>/DigizuiteCore/LegacyService/api/asset/crop/email no longer uses the parameters ColorSpace and ImageFormat in the request body.

    • This means that it is no longer possible to change the color space and file type when sharing a crop as an email. However, requests that include the ColorSpace and ImageFormat parameters are still accepted, even though these parameters are ignored.

    • The new custom quality functionality, described here, can be used instead to change the color space and format of an image.


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