DC 5.10 [Deprecated] Using faceted search
Using SearchService is deprecated and will be removed in version 6.0. Use DC 5.10 Getting assets by other properties instead.
Some searches support faceted search and filtering. This can be used to obtain more details about the filters available and provide a better user experience
Fetching the faceted filters
Information about faceted filters will be returned as part of the same search response, if enabled.
URLĀ :Ā /SearchService.js
MethodĀ :Ā POST
Auth requiredĀ : Yes
Required parameters
Name | Example | Description |
SearchName | DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search | Fixed parameter that identifies the endpoint search. |
config | facet=true | Enables the faceting search. |
config | facet.limit=101 | Limits the number of options returned for each filter . |
config | facet.field={!ex=sAssetType}sAssetType | Enabled faceted result for the filterĀ sAssetType.Ā A list of all filters can be obtain using theĀ DC 5.8 GetVisibleSearchFields endpoint. |
config | f.sAssetType.facet.sort=count | Sorts the options returns or theĀ sAssetTypeĀ filter. Available values:
accessKey | 2d8319f4-7a57-4ca0-a027-c44c2f259aac | AccessKey for API |
Optional parameters
More than 1 facet fields can be added to a search.
It is recommended to avoid faceting field of type date(datebetween) as they increase significantly the size of the search response.
cUrl data example
--data "SearchName=DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search&config=facet=true&config=facet.field=%7B!ex=sAssetType%7DsAssetType&config=f.sAssetType.facet.sort=count"
Success Response
CodeĀ :Ā 200 OK
Content example
"items":[ /* ...items returned by the search... */ ],
"Raising facet.mincount from 0 to 1, because field sAssetType is Points-based.",
"sort":"sortAssetidDesc desc",
"4":"3013", // Number of asset of asset type 4
"1":"135", // Number of asset of asset type 1
Error Response
CodeĀ :Ā 200 OK
ContentĀ Ā example
"success": false,
"total": 0,
"error": "A critical exception occurred while we executed the search.\r\n",
"items": null,
"warnings": [{
"Severity": 150,
"Code": 420,
"Description": "A critical exception occurred while we executed the search."
Using faceted filters
URLĀ :Ā /SearchService.js
MethodĀ :Ā POST
Auth requiredĀ : Yes
Required parameters
Name | Example | Description |
SearchName | DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search | Fixed parameter that identifies the endpoint search. |
config | facet=true | Enables the faceting search. |
config | facet.limit=101 | Limits the number of options returned for each filter . |
config | facet.field={!ex=sAssetType}sAssetType | Enabled faceted result for the filterĀ sAssetType.Ā A list of all filters can be obtain using theĀ DC 5.8 GetVisibleSearchFields endpoint. |
config | f.sAssetType.facet.sort=count | Sorts the options returns or theĀ sAssetTypeĀ filter. Available values:
config | fq={!tag=sAssetType}sAssetType:("1" OR "4") | Filters the results of the search by settingĀ Ā sAssetTypeĀ filter to either 1 or 4 |
accessKey | 2d8319f4-7a57-4ca0-a027-c44c2f259aac | AccessKey for API |
cUrl data example
--data "SearchName=DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search&config=facet=true&config=facet.field=%7B!ex=sAssetType%7DsAssetType&config=f.sAssetType.facet.sort=count&config=fq=%7B!tag=sAssetType%7DsAssetType:(%221%22%20OR%20%224%22)"
Success Response
CodeĀ :Ā 200 OK
Content example
"items":[ /* ...items returned by the search... */ ],
"Raising facet.mincount from 0 to 1, because field sAssetType is Points-based.",
"sort":"sortAssetidDesc desc",
"4":"3013", // Number of asset of asset type 4
"1":"135", // Number of asset of asset type 1
Error Response
CodeĀ :Ā 200 OK
ContentĀ Ā example