MM5.9 Configuration

MM5.9 Configuration

Guest user access

The Digizuite™ Media Manager requires a user for accessing the API to collect configuration. The user you define will also be the one that guests use when they access the MM without logging in (not if your site set up to be "login required").

By default, this user has already been set up. The user is named "guest" and can be located in Users and groups → Users → System users. 

This user has been born with the following Groups: Anonymous and Guest, and with the following roles: Asset_Can_Download and MediaPortal_User.

If you want to change your site to use another user instead, you will have to do the following:

  1. Locate and open your MM's appsettings.json file placed in the root of your site folder (Usually in C:/Webs/[your MM's folder]/appsettings.json)

  2. Change the value for guestUsername to be the new username.

  3. Change the value for guestPassword to be the corresponding password written in md5. (This you can generate yourself, or you can find it in the databse in the member table)

The guest user must have the role MediaPortal_User to function correctly.


The guest user must be different from the social media user (product configuration).

Template user

The Digizuite™ Media Manager requires a backend template user that defines roles when creating new users from self-signup. This user must be set in the ConfigManager of the Digizuite™ Media Manager in parameter User Template for Self Signup users.

  • Create a new backend user - we recommend template_user

  • Put the new user in the "Contributor" group or alternatively another group with MediaPortal_Collection and MediaPortal_User roles.

Note: If using No verification sign up mode, make sure to check the Approved checkbox on the template user. Likewise, the checkbox should be left unchecked for the other verification configurations.

Download qualities

You can assign different download qualities to suit the company's solution. Navigate to Settings > General settings > Download qualities in the Media Manager.
Select the group you want to manage to add and remove download qualities (formats).

SMTP setup

The Digizuite™ Media Manager uses SMTP functionality for various tasks like sharing links, notifications, etc.

Navigate to System tools → Digizuite™ Configuration and locate the following constants:

  • SMTPDELIVERYMETHOD – configure the delivery method of the e-mail

  • SMTPPASSWORD – update with SMTP server password

  • SMTPPICKUPDIRECTORY – configure the pick-up directory of the e-mail

  • SMTPSERVER – update with SMTP server name

  • SMTPSERVERPORT – update with the SMTP server port

  • SMTPUSERNAME – update with the SMTP server username

Note: For detailed information on how to configure the e-mail feature, consult the DAM Center documentation.

Email templates

The application defines mail templates for sending out emails like confirmation and download links. You may change these to fit your organization.

Navigate to System Tools → ConfigManager → Digizuite™ Media Manager and select the correct version. Select the Config parameters tab and Mail templates section.

Facet Search Configuration

See MM5.9 Filter configuration

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