MM5.9 Work In Progress Stages Configuration

MM5.9 Work In Progress Stages Configuration


Work in Progress Stages introduces 2 new roles:

  • WorkStages_View - Allows a user to view the work stages of the assets and allowed them to edit the stages which are assigned to them or which have no assignee.

  • WorkStages_Edit_Others - Allows a user to edit stages that are assigned to other members. 

    • Due to the user needing to select other users to assign Member_Viewer to the user. 

Configuring the stages

By default, Media Manager 5 will provide 3 stages:

  • Creative (Under behandling)

  • Approved (Godkendt)

  • Expired (Udløbet)

Existing stages may be modified and additional ones can be added, if needed. For that, In DAM Center, navigate to System tools → Metadata → Asset → Shared → Tasks and edit the combo values of the Status metafield.

The value combo values belonging the Status metafield must use the following special pattern: "{stage-color-in-hex-format};{slug-value}". Please take the predefined options as example. 

Translating the stages can done by editing the combo values in the language desired.

When picking the colours associated to a new stage, it is recommended to choose from the list provided by the Creative Department.

In Media Manager 5

After the configure is successfully done, the following new status will appear in the left-side menu of Media Manager.

Known Issues

Work stages are not translated in Danish

The following issue may happen if the Danish language was activated after the installation of Media Manager. This can be fixed by either manually translating the stages to Danish as described above or re-running the install scripts. 

Pro-actively this can mitigated by activating the Danish language before installing Media Manager. 

User cannot change Work stage for assets

Stages are internally based on metadata, so the user has to have write access to both the asset and the metadata for them to be able to change stage. 

Light users for example does not have write access to assets by default, so if they are granted that, the meta fields for stages should also be updated to reflect that. 

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