DC 5.9 Appendix (metadata)

Create metadata fields

When adding a new metafield, you have 2 required fields that need to be filled in:

  • Name
  • Field type – where you can choose from a drop-down menu different types for the new created fields (Note: some of the field types are system data references that should not need any configuration):
    • Int – field that contains numbers without decimal point
    • String – you can complete with different information in a text format
    • Bit – checkbox
    • Money- currency
    • DateTime – stores date and time
    • Metagroup – reference to a main group
    • EDL – is it commonly known as Edit Decision List
    • MultiComboValue – drop down with multiple selection
    • ComboValue – drop down with single selection
    • EditComboValue - drop down list that allows you to create new, or change existing values under editing asset metadata.
    • Note – acts as a string but you can complete with more information (bigger field)
    • MasterItemReference – system data reference that should not be configured
    • SlaveItemReference - system data reference that should not be configured
    • Float – field that contains numbers with decimal point
    • MetagroupRef - text that can have several meanings according to the format defined
    • UniqueVersion – define an unique version number of the asset
    • EXIF – system data reference that should not be configured
    • IPTC – system data reference that should not be configured
    • Tree – define the menu structure
    • Link – make reference to an external link

Configure metafield

  • Name – edit the name of the field
  • Description – add a description to it
  • Fieldsize and Maxlength – will change the size and the length of the field. Leaving the value equal to zero will give no restriction to the editor
  • Sortindex – organizes your fields in the group based on the number inserted. The lower the number is, the higher priority it will have in the list
  • Required – thick the checkbox to require the needed information
  • Show in list – thick the checkbox to show the created metadata group in the metadata editor list
  • Auto translate – if you are using the system in different languages, the system will automatically apply new information to the specific field in all language
  • Upload required – check the box and require the uploader to complete the metadata during the uploading session

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