CCC5.7 Beta Test Details
This page contains all details for the beta testing. Only viewable by R&D and specific persons from PS involved in this process.
Next Release Date on Swinstall
New 5.2.4 release candidate will be on Swinstall monday just before lunch Jan 31, 2022
Must-read Information
Always check the release status here:
It always gives you a full view of what is in progress and the issues in todo for the release. For instance, the below is an example of how it looks:
And then also check the release notes so far:
Of course read the docs belonging to this space.
Trace of Beta Release on SWInstall
Date | Release Information | Open Questions Or Work in progress | Supported Versions |
Jan 31, 2022 | Release notes - Creative Cloud Connector - Version 5.5.4 Bug CCC-493 Some aep files make the link manager load forever CCC-488 Premiere Pro: Project files (not aep nor prproj) show up in the link manager, with their extensions being their project names. CCC-487 AE/PPRO: Making video files low-res will always make them be original CCC-486 PPRO: Changing quality to another file type causes inconsistencies in the UI CCC-479 Link manager: Tif files show broken thumbnails CCC-472 Relinking in INDD files that are not saved, will prompt you to save instead of showing you the proper warning CCC-470 Broken navigation CCC-459 Opening InDesign file from MM not behaving as expected CCC-433 Disable the "Open" button when the INDD file is already in use CCC-427 Importing After Effects files into Premiere throws Error CCC-426 Opening Illustrator files in After Effects does not bring up correct open dialog Change request CCC-446 Granularly remove/hide/grey out buttons if they lead to errors/are duds - based on the users' roles and rights CCC-429 Link manager: Disable/remove the button that leads you to the link manager, while you're inside the link manager Feature CCC-444 [Awaiting SD] Ability to select asset quality in Premiere and After Effects CCC-443 Add Links Manager to Premiere and After Effects Adobe CC Connector CCC-442 Upload local InDesign files (packages) should prompt if you'd like to upload local linked assets TaskCCC-476 Links should be also supporting relationships (so that it is always syncing links as "cccLinkType" showing in the relationships tab) CCC-469 Custom filters for asset type (metadata) | Notice: For testing of CCC-476 (Links) then we need a MM 5.5.4 because we some DBUpgrade Scripts that are needed. But when you have MM 5.5.4 then configuration is here: CCC5.7 Making inserted assets relate to your Adobe asset (Asset relation) | From: To: (notice that CCC-476 requires 5.5.4 of MM) |
Nov 15, 2021 | Added to release:
Documentation: CCC5.7 Installing the connector onto pre-MM5.5.2 and pre-MM5.5.5 environments | Not reproceable by QA: Prioritized for upcoming release: | From: To: |
Nov 9, 2021 | Added fix for Added to swinstall:
Documentation: CCC5.7 Installing the connector onto pre-MM5.5.2 and pre-MM5.5.5 environments | From: |
All meetings for the beta test and releases.
Meeting Nov 10, 2021
Type: Feedback on testing
Henrik Lambert; Benjamin Mlynek; Nathaniel Hartman;
Identified that must be fixed but not blocking
Need more clarity in the release process. What to test and what is not yet in the release.
What release versions to we support
Handover Meeting Nov 3, 2021
Type: Feedback on testing
Henrik Lambert; Martin Ulisse; Mathias Højbo Mattson; Nathaniel Hartman; Benjamin Mlynek; Camilla Voigt Kristiansen
Non-blocking bugs will be moved to a future release
Only supporting full functionality in INDD, PS
Loose support for PR, AF
Initialize the process of adding the build to Adobe Exchange when the connector has been okay’ed.