MM5.6 Filter configuration

MM5.6 Filter configuration

The administrative user (one with an assigned role Can_manage_filters_and_fields) has the ability to configure which filters are available to other users by default when they log in for the first time.

From version 5.6 this can be done from the Media Manager UI. Navigate to ‘Settings’ (1) → ‘General settings’ (2) → ‘Asset search’ (3). The filter configuration can be performed in the section ‘Filters’ (4).

Now click in the field ‘Add filters’ and select filters from the dropdown list.

The triple dot symbol next to each individual filter gives access to more options: ability to remove it as well as decide the sort order of the values within the filter.

It’s also possible to decide the order of the filters by dragging them to the desired place.

Once satisfied with the changes, select ‘Apply’.

The default filters are visible to the users who log in to the system for the first time. Once they log in, they can customize the filters to their purpose and that customization will be remembered for the subsequent sessions.

If the administrative user makes changes to the default filters, those will not be visible to the users who have previously used Media Manager. In order for them to see the the new default settings, they need to select ‘Reset to default filters’ under ‘Customize and reorder’ settings in their ‘Filters’ panel.