CCC5.5 Check-in/out

CCC5.5 Check-in/out

Video: check-in/out

The user has the possibility to lock (check out) an asset while working on it. The user can check out the asset by clicking the icon. This prevents others from uploading and replacing the asset.

In the image shown below:

  • (1) shows a green icon of an open lock, which means that the asset is not locked and can therefore be freely used

  • (2) shows a black icon of a closed lock, which means that the asset is locked (checked out). Hovering the mouse pointer over the lock icon will reveal a tooltip showing who checked out the asset and when auto check-in will occur.

If your user has the role "Administrator", then they have the option to check in the asset by force, by clicking the locked icon. The force check-in dialog will show and clicking Confirm will finish the process.

When the user activates Upload active document in the menu, and the asset is already checked out by another user, then Replace existing asset option is disabled, and hovering the mouse pointer over the lock icon will reveal a tooltip showing who checked out the asset and when auto check-in will occur.

Auto check-in duration

By default when the user checks out an asset, it will be locked for 1 hour. After that, the system will auto check-in the asset. The duration can be changed on the server where the Digizuite DAM is installed. Locate the file \DigizuiteCore\legacyservice\appsettings.json and look for the section CheckInOutDetails.

"CheckInOutDetails": { "DefaultCheckOutDuration": "01:00:00" }