CCC5.5 Installing the connector onto pre-MM5.5.2 and pre-MM5.5.5 environments

CCC5.5 Installing the connector onto pre-MM5.5.2 and pre-MM5.5.5 environments

This guide is relevant for you if you want to get the newest CCC5.5.5 features, but you only have an MM5.5.4 or lower.

Scripts must be run for two scenarios

  1. You have a Media Manager that is pre 5.5.2

  2. You have a Media Manager that is PRE-5.5.5

    1. So are you on 5.4, you would run both the above

    2. Are you on 5.5.4 only run PRE-5.5.5

For both scenarios, you need to find a value for @VersionGuid in the scripts.

Please have in mind that in most cases, you would have to populate all searches following this guide (https://digizuite.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PSBOK/pages/78192049 )

Finding VersionGuid in MM

In your script, you will see this:

Where all the ones in the MM folder requiring that you set the value named @VersionGuid

You set this, with the value found in the DAM Center → System Tools → ConfigManager → Media Manager 5 → 5.5.0

It should thus end up looking like the following:

PRE-MM5.5.2 Scripts

The CCC has been made to work out of the box with the Media Manager version 5.5.2 on a DAM Center version 5.5.2. (Just for the record - 5.5.1 installations also require the things mentioned in this guide)

However, there are many customers that are currently on versions earlier than this, that wish to also use the CCC.

In order to support these earlier versions - some scripts need to be run onto your system. These will be supplied to you by your Digizuite contact person.

The files are as follows:


...MM\High&Low Resolution\202109021258_create_config_option_for_ccc_high_low_quality.sql"

also please

(Optional validation) As this is something that will have to be done for many files, a validator for these files has been created, which you may choose to run if you feel like it (It only does database lookups - still, only use it if you have run Powershell scripts before and know what you’re doing):