CCC5.5 Things to be aware of

CCC5.5 Things to be aware of


In 5.5.4, we have introduced Custom Filters which comes with a new label. This label is coming with MM 5.5.4 Upgrade Scripts. If you do not have MM 5.5.4, you might be seeing the below where the label for OFFICE_FILTERS is not present. It has no impact on functionality and is simply cosmetics which can easily be resolved by contacting SD to run a script or to upgrade to MM 5.5.4.

Asset is Outdated

We have a known issue for some 5.4 installations where the asset is shown as 'Asset is Outdated' in the link manager even though it is not and the asset has just been added.

It is related to two search which do not properly contain hashsha1 which is used for comparison. This is because of the searches having been updated many times with custom fields and therefore the CCC scripts can in some instances not automatically merge them (due to the custom changes).


The issue will show itself like this:

Please contact Service Delivery or R&D in such an instance. But essentially, if you have a lot of manual changes for the search then this is most likely why and then we need to add it to the most recent. Therefore please contact SD or R&D (running and populating search indexes is required).


After Effects

Link Manager

  • When files are imported from the CCC then they are imported as FootageItem

  • Files inside a Composition or a Folder will not be displayed inside the Link Manager

Premiere Pro

Link Manager

  • Files inside a Composition or a Folder will not be displayed inside the Link Manager

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