MM5.5 Release notes
Digizuite™ MM5 5.5.7
© 2006-2022 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.5.7
Date : 27-09-2022
[MM5-4501] - Fixed Link Input in metadata editor not wrapping correctly
[MM5-4495] - Fixed issue of Zip sharing circumventing Download request
[MM5-4486] - Fixed Download requests being bypassed by Custom quality download
[MM5-4470] - Fixed Download request issue of incorrect assets being shown when viewing 'not downloadable' assets
Digizuite™ MM5 5.5.6
© 2006-2022 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.5.6
Date : 01-09-2022
[MM5-4418] - Fixed Share Zip option being shown to users with insufficient permission
[MM5-4280] - Fixed issue where users can bypass Download requests by bulk downloading
Digizuite™ MM5 5.5.4
© 2006-2022 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.5.4
Date : 18-02-2022
[MM5-3876] - Fixed bug which caused download request in workflow to not work
[MM5-3823] - Fixed issue where free text searching was limited to 40 characters
[MM5-3629] - Fixed bug which caused metadata to not save properly
[MM5-3857] - Fixed issue when accesskey had expired then the websocket communication was not refreshed
[MM5-3884] - Fixed issue when comparing metadata on assets with MasterItemReferences
[MM5-3790] - Show all combos in drop down regardless of what is selected
[MM5-3815] - Show warning triangle when multi editing and asset is not selected
Digizuite™ MM5 5.5.2
© 2006-2021 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.5.2
Date : 12-11-2021
[MM5-3705] - Fixed bug when multi transitioning a workflow with constraints
[MM5-3448] - Fixed bug where summary would not be updated correctly on workflow task details
[MM5-3654] - Fixed bug which caused video timestamps in comments to not be clickable
[MM5-3688] - Tooltip and placeholder were required in workflow configuration
[MM5-3701] - All accesskeys are now sent in the Authorization header, rather than a query parameter in the url
[MM5-3675] - Implemented the ability to re-assign workflow tasks
Digizuite™ MM5 5.5.1
© 2006-2021 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.5.1
Date : 19-10-2021
[MM5-3680] - Changing the aspect ratio of a crop in MM5 does not keep the preset name after resize or reposition of focal point
[MM5-3649] - Fixed paging on dialog box
[MM5-3499] - Fixed rendering issue when workflow had long titles
[MM5-3602] - Fixed a bug in IE which caused single download to not work
[MM5-3607] - Fixed paging issue on workflow task list
[MM5-3143] - Fixed an issue where not enabling any feature flags in the configuration would result in application not starting
[MM5-3636] - Role asset_can_crop should also give access to trimming videos
[MM5-3646] - Fixed rendering issue in the metadata editor
[MM5-3648] - Fixed problem which caused metadata editor to not load if opened too early in upload process
[MM5-3684] - The combination of Autotranslate and view dependency breaks the language view in the metadata editor
[MM5-3687] - Read only access is not respected in single edit
[MM5-3698] - Fixed rendering issue in the workflow transition modal
[MM5-3633] - Improved UX on task list
Digizuite™ MM5 5.5.0
© 2006-2021 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.5.0
Date : 31-08-2021
[MM5-1685] - Added the ability to see the name of the crop
[MM5-2538] - Integrated download requests with new workflows
[MM5-2587] - Added metadata constraints for new workflows
[MM5-2696] - Added task list for viewing workflow tasks
[MM5-2831] - Added support for comparing PSD files
[MM5-3021] - Added support for user approval in new business workflow
[MM5-3088] - Added the ability to do timed transitions
[MM5-2700] - Added the ability to see relevant metadata on workflow tasks
[MM5-3084] - Added a button for comments on the asset card
[MM5-3208] - Enabled the more button on the asset card while having a selection
[MM5-3296] - Added the ability to also zoom out in full screen view
[MM5-2609] - Audit trail for assets now show all languages regardless of user language
[MM5-2672] - Improved timestamps in comments
[MM5-2827] - Enabled download on IOS/Phone
[MM5-2935] - Added the ability to have custom fields on the user signup form
[MM5-2979] - Added UI for managing mail templates.
[MM5-3271] - Fixed problem with search input in filters
[MM5-2141] - Added the ability to download crop, trims and historic version of an asset if the parent asset is downloadable
[MM5-3046] - Fixed problem with automations where lines would be hidden
[MM5-3268] - Fixed an issue with dragging while scrolling
[MM5-3439] - Fixed rendering issue on tabs
[MM5-3586] - Fixed full screen view for non-image assets
[MM5-2618] - Fixed a bug which would reset the search when setting a multi combo
[MM5-3098] - Fixed a number of bugs in relation to dependent metafields
[MM5-3160] - Fixed bug which caused dependent fields in the metadata editor to not work
[MM5-3544] - Fixed rendering issue in Firefox
[MM5-3556] - Fixed bug in crop tool
[MM5-2753] - Fixed rendering issue in note fields which would contain new lines
[MM5-2819] - Fixed issue in password recovery where it would fail silently when user had no e-mail assigned
[MM5-2829] - Fixed warning when entering wrong code during password recovery
[MM5-2833] - Fixed missing page indicator on upload progress
[MM5-2838] - Fixed embed video when MediaManager was SSO enabled
[MM5-2844] - Fixed link validation
[MM5-2846] - Fixed scrolling issue in Chrome
[MM5-2859] - Fixed bug with certain date time formatting
[MM5-2939] - Fixed issue where the metadata would looked saved despite the save action failing
[MM5-3038] - Fixed problem when scrolling in comments
Digizuite™ MM5 5.4.1
© 2006-2021 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.4.1
Date : 18-02-2021
[MM5-2707] - Added ability to promote workflow constraints to the top of the task details view
[MM5-3166] - Fixed an error causing the download of source copies to not be recorded correctly in Insights
[MM5-2995] - Fixed an issue causing certain crop presets to be disabled when zooming in on assets
[MM5-3168] - Fixed an issue causing SSO logins to not be recorded in Insights
[MM5-2189] - Fixed an issue causing the search bar to open automatically when using IE
[MM5-2967] - Fixed an issue causing the asset list to not update after changing the language when logged in
[MM5-3143] - Fixed an issue where not enabling any feature flags in the configuration would result in application not starting
[MM5-1396] - Added the ability to preemptively stop cognitive services keyword generation
[MM5-2315] - Fixed not being able to clear the selection of all languages when downloading multiple assets and metadata
[MM5-2658] - Fixed an issue causing the multi-download option to not be disabled in certain scenarios
[MM5-2863] - Fixed a navigation error that occurred when opening a workflow task from the notifications panel
[MM5-2876] - Fixed an issue that allowed admins to set impossible transition constraints from the start node when editing a workflow
[MM5-2916] - Fixed an issue which prevented users from reordering constraints while editing workflows
[MM5-2940] - Fixed not being able to use new lines in text area input constraints
[MM5-2969] - Fixed an issue preventing admins from multi-downloading locked assets
[MM5-2985] - Fixed multiple styling issues in the workflow editor
[MM5-3039] - Fixed an issue that allowed the user to access automations and workflows when using handheld
[MM5-3073] - Fixed an issue causing admins to be unable to select correct metafield labels while in the workflow editor
[MM5-3074] - Fixed styling in audit trail
[MM5-3155] - Fixed an issue causing infinite pagination to not work correctly
[MM5-3171] - Fixed an issue causing guest logins to not be logged in Insights
[MM5-3142] - Added the ability to check for asset duplicates during upload based on filename with extension
[MM5-2983] - Improved the design and user experience when working with workflow tasks
Digizuite™ MM5 5.4.0
© 2006-2020 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.4.0
Date : 14-12-2020
[MM5-2757] - UX improvements when dragging selected assets to collections.
[MM5-2414] - Added UI for configuring the new YouTube Service
[MM5-2502] - Updated UI for managing integration endpoints
[MM5-2537] - Added the ability for the content owners to bypass the download approval process
[MM5-2568] - Added ability to see, retry, and delete failed notifications for integration endpoints.
[MM5-2703] - Updated the design and feel of the login screen with special focus on the SSO login
[MM5-2930] - Added navigation cues when group editing assets
[MM5-2721] - Fixed an issue where collections would sometimes not be visible using the Safari browser
[MM5-2810] - Fixed an issue where newly created users were not able to recover their passwords
[MM5-2927] - Fixed an issue where the media manager would not load using Internet Explorer
[MM5-2601] - Fixed an issue where metadata dropdowns didn't follow the screen when scrolling
[MM5-2628] - Fixed an issue where switching view types could result in the pagination control ending up behind other elements making it inaccessible
[MM5-2720] - Fixed a rendering issue using Safari
[MM5-2768] - Fixed an issue that could cause a video to shake, when sharing embed code from an asset
[MM5-2773] - Fixed an issue where the collapsed navigation menus would not behave as intended
[MM5-2813] - Fixed an issue where users would no longer be able to share a video from a specific timestamp
[MM5-2835] - Fixed an issue where the cognitive services sometimes was't available in the multi-asset editor
[MM5-3008] - Fixed an issue that affected the rendering of collections overview on mobile devices
[MM5-2660] - Fixed an issue where the given timestamp on a notification could sometimes be wrong
[MM5-2668] - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to preview PDF assets correctly if the asset contained multiple pages
[MM5-2693] - Fixed an issue that would prevent users from previewing an asset that was shared with them, if they did not already have read access
[MM5-2712] - Fixed an issue where handheld device qualities were not fully supported for embedding
[MM5-2758] - Fixed an issue where users with certain roles were not able to edit automations as intended
[MM5-2765] - Fixed an issue where the workflow cards weren't correctly aligned
[MM5-2853] - Fixed an issue where resizing the browser window could lead to extended whitespace between the list and the pagination control
[MM5-2958] - Fixed an issue causing historical version of an asset to be shown as crops
[MM5-3004] - Fixed an issue where asset list buttons would not render correctly on mobile devices
[MM5-3053] - Added UI improvements related to collection options menu
[MM5-2788] - Enhanced the performance of asset notifications
[MM5-2585] - Enhanced the saving experience when multi editing assets
[MM5-2840] - Changed the settings structure to now be a dropdown menu containing all settings related items instead
[MM5-3003] - Folder and collection details are now hidden if there is no available information to show
[MM5-3005] - Fixed visual issues in breadcrumbs
Digizuite™ MM5 5.3.3
© 2006-2020 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.3.3
Date : 2020-08-21
[MM5-2668]: Fixed an issue where it was not possible to preview PDF assets correctly if the asset contained multiple pages
[MM5-2693]: Fixed an issue that would prevent users from previewing an asset that was shared with them, if they did not already have read access
Digizuite™ MM5 5.3.2
© 2006-2020 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.3.2
Date : 2020-07-02
[MM5-2141]: Added the ability to download crop, trims and historic version of an asset if the parent asset is downloadable
[MM5-2529]: Fixed an issue where you were not able to change language while using mobile devices
[MM5-2553]: Fixed being unable to use variables in the "Metadata editmulticombo filter" for the "value" parameter
[MM5-2584]: Fixed an issue where editing assets with certain metadata settings could result in the page becoming unresponsive
[MM5-2250]: Fixed an issue where users were unable to update their profile image
[MM5-2284]: Fixed a minor issue with user selectors throughout the system
[MM5-2558]: Added/changed certain default labels throughout the system
[MM5-2564]: Fixed an issue where having a lot of collections could result in the system becoming unresponsive
[MM5-2567]: Fixed an issue where certain metadata dropdowns would not reflect how they were set up in the DC
[MM5-2222]: Fixed an issue where sharing collections with users could result in badly formatted notification messages
[MM5-2364]: Fixed an issue where when editing tree values, sometimes you would not be able to save the changes
[MM5-2488]: Fixed the display of users mentioned in comments; It will now show a users username if first/surname is not available
[MM5-2522]: Fixed some spelling mistakes throughout the system
[MM5-2527]: Fixed an issue where disabled filters could be expanded
[MM5-2532]: Fixed an issue where leaving theme settings without saving would not discard the changes made
[MM5-2543]: Fixed an issue where updating profile pictures would not be shown until the page was refreshed
[MM5-2544]: Fixed an issue where the processing icon would not disappear after uploading an asset
[MM5-2551]: Fixed an issue where searching would sometimes provide non-expected results
[MM5-2552]: Fixed a minor issue where the search bar expansion event could be cancelled by pressing escape
[MM5-2571]: Fixed a minor issue with the position of the search bar on mobile devices
[MM5-2572]: Fixed an issue where collection names sometimes would not display, using Internet Explorer
[MM5-2574]: Fixed an issue where one could not save the factory reset values under theming settings
[MM5-2507]: Added the option to disable duplicate checking when uploading assets
[MM5-2526]: Changed the positioning of the notification dot to allow for a better view
Digizuite™ MM5 5.3.1
© 2006-2020 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.3.1
Date : 2020-05-20
[MM5-2434] - Enhanced the capabilities of showing company logos in the Media Manager
[MM5-2166] - Fixed an error that was causing the update/install program to crash
[MM5-2431] - Fixed incorrect automatic generation of constraint names in business workflows
[MM5-2437] - Improvements of rendering on mobile and tablets
[MM5-2445] - Fixed an error causing member selector inputs to not show all the available entries in some scenarios
[MM5-2234] - Fixed styling issue that made the video control to be hard to use when playing a video with bright colors
[MM5-2474] - Fixed an error that appeared first time the user tried to access the business workflows
[MM5-2489] - Fixed an error that allowed the user to access older versions of an asset
[MM5-2524] - Fixed a rare error that occurrs when using the freetext search
[MM5-2531] - Fixed an error that prevented the user some of the times to add assets to a collection
[MM5-2192] - Fixed an error causing the logo to be published to the Media Manager
[MM5-2473] - Fixed an error that would cause the business workflow tasks to not show any asset
[MM5-2499] - Fix an error causing incorrect translation of cognitive generated keywords
[MM5-2501] - Fixed error caused when clearing some metafield values
[MM5-1125] - Added a prompt on the settings pages asking the user to save changes before navigating away
[MM5-1328] - Fixed an issue causing upload status bar to not be visible
[MM5-1441] - Improvemented the tab styling in the sharing modal
[MM5-1588] - Fixed a styling issue on mobile devices for the sharing modal
[MM5-1589] - Fixed an issue causing scroll problems on mobile devices
[MM5-1815] - Fixed incorrect styling on the modal for downloading metadata
[MM5-1849] - Fixed an UI rendering issue on mobile devices
[MM5-2064] - Improved styling of the notifications badge for large number of notifications
[MM5-2143] - Fixed an error that occured when trying to use some edit combo value metafield inputs
[MM5-2150] - Fixed metafield asset type restrictions not being honored in multi-asset editor
[MM5-2188] - Fixed incorrect translations of some texts to Danish
[MM5-2191] - Added ability to change the splashscreen by uploading an asset from desktop
[MM5-2195] - Fixed styling issue in some notifications
[MM5-2371] - Fixed styling issue in the filtering panel
[MM5-2385] - Fixed an issue allowing the user to download or add to collections non-public assets
[MM5-2386] - Improved performance when for users with a large number of collections
[MM5-2398] - Improved visual feedback in business workflow editor when connecting a transition between 2 stages
[MM5-2479] - Fixed an error that allowed to user to apply a crop preset that was compatible to with the asset
[MM5-2487] - Fixed and issue where selecting metafields in the automation workflows were not always working
[MM5-2497] - Fix styling issue in business workflow task details
[MM5-2500] - Fixed an error that occured when trying to use some metafield inputs
[MM5-2505] - Fixed comment notification links not pointing to the correct link address
[MM5-2366] - Added the ability to escape character in a business workflow
[MM5-2449] - Added the ability to configure is the aspect ratio should be locked by default when cropping an asset
Digizuite™ MM5 5.3.0
© 2006-2020 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.3.0
Date : 2020-05-04
[MM5-1888]: Added the possibility to display a custom disclaimer before downloading assets
[MM5-2102]: Added ability for the users to request to download an asset
[MM5-2128]: Implemented new UI Design for asset preview
[MM5-1551]: Improved the cropping tool to allow for cropping and resizing in a single step
[MM5-252]: Added the ability to export metadata from selected assets, collections and active searches to XLS files
[MM5-1495]: Improved the preview when sharing images on Twitter
[MM5-1496]: Improved the preview when sharing images on LinkedIn
[MM5-1674]: Improved the multi editor to be able to save changes for either all, or only the selected assets
[MM5-2149]: You can now choose which language to use when using LabelId in Automation Workflows
[MM5-1845]: Fixed an issue where certain roles conflicted with cropping and trimming of assets
[MM5-2282]: Fixed an issue where the search field could cut the text input by the user
[MM5-2292]: Fixed an issue where roles related to sharing collections were not behaving as expected
[MM5-2071]: Fixed an issue were metadata was included in the assets archive when using multiple download
[MM5-1248]: Fixed an issue where small screen resolutions could hide the upload status box
[MM5-1432]: Fixed an issue where incorrect capitalization was shown for form elements
[MM5-1805]: Fixed an issue where trimming videos could produce UI issues
[MM5-1966]: Fixed an issue where the user could have set a status to a crop
[MM5-2022]: Fixed an issue where metadata groups did not adhere to the auto-expand option set in the config
[MM5-2028]: Fixed an issue where when multi-editing, certain inputs would become unresponsive
[MM5-2046]: Fixed an issue where users accessing a shared collection would not have access to otherwise public sections of the manager
[MM5-2083]: Fixed an issue where the favorite button did not behave as expected
[MM5-2142]: Fixed an issue where dropdowns could behave in an unintended way
[MM5-2162]: Fixed an issue with where the UI would not behave as expected upon showing errors, when trimming video assets
[MM5-2165]: Fixed options dropdown not showing all values right away when editing an automation workflow
[MM5-2206]: Fixed an issue where the UI would not behave as expected when deleting collections with long names
[MM5-2331]: Fixed editing certain steps in foreach mode not being fully visible
[MM5-2351]: Fixed not being enable to sort collections when using the Safari browsers
[MM5-2370]: Fixed an issue when navigating back and forth between cropping an asset
[MM5-2374]: Fixed an issue preventing scrolling on custom quality request dialog
[MM5-2402]: Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect display of standard presets in asset cropping
[MM5-2415]: Fixed an issue where typing "@" in an input field in AW no longer causes the field to lose focus
Digizuite™ MM5 5.2.3
© 2006-2020 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.2.3
Date : 2020-02-26
[MM5-2209] - Fixed an issue where filters would not load if you had loaded a page that did not have filters
[MM5-2216] - Fix an issue where the notifications for asset status where showing the wrong thumbnail and title
Digizuite™ MM5 5.2.2
© 2006-2020 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.2.2
Date : 2020-02-19
[MM5-2076] - Improved the Job status ui considerable. Workflows are now the central focus rather than jobs. The styling itself has also gotten an overhaul.
[MM5-1930] - Aligned visual representation of AI metadata elements in the editor
[MM5-2058] - Fixed several bugs related to the ForEach editor in the workflow editor
[MM5-2059] - Fixed a case of bad layout in the workflow editor
[MM5-2065] - Fixed an issue where deleting a step in some very specific workflow setups would cause unexpected connections to appear between independent workflow chains
[MM5-2077] - Fixed a case of a connection line staying around, even after the step it connects to has been deleted
[MM5-2139] - Fixed an issue where standard cropping options would not show up when cropping an asset
Digizuite™ MM5 5.2.1
© 2006-2019 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.2.1
Date : 2019-12-17
[MM5-131] - Added support for read-only iterative metadata (sets of metadata)
[MM5-1142] - Asset status owner selector can now filter the available users based on folder
[MM5-1397] - Added more formatting options for the introscreen
[MM5-1978] - Improved the compare tool by changing or removing options to ensure better navigation while using it
[MM5-1980] - Improved the workflow editor by adding a drop down containing all available variables that can be used
[MM5-1992] - Added the possibility to create workflows from existing workflows
[MM5-1998] - Updated default/fallback icons for asset types
[MM5-2016] - Enhanced the search functionality in automation workflows to better suit the current workflow and step that you are editing
[MM5-1410] - Implemented synchronous update for metadata if auto translate is enabled. Implemented auto translation validation when editing multiple assets at once.
[MM5-1795] - Fixed an issue where reloading the page after creating a new workflow, would not show the workflow anymore
[MM5-1841] - Fix an issue where sometimes the user could wrongly deselect tree values
[MM5-1857] - The user is able to see all assets matching the criteria in the top search bar, if there are no other results types available
[MM5-1877] - Fixed an issue where, when saving a search, the default value would not be cleared when clicking the input
[MM5-1893] - Fixed a graphical issue where a shared collection title would be hard to see
[MM5-1914] - Fixed an issue where selecting multiple assets using the SHIFT key was not working going from right to left
[MM5-1915] - Fixed an issue where the user was wrongly asked to save the metadata changes after running cognitive features on the asset
[MM5-1919] - Fixed an issue with long asset titles where it would hide the options menu button under Asset History
[MM5-1920] - Fixed an issue that made it possible to add previous versions of assets to a collection. It is now no longer possible.
[MM5-1925] - Fixed an issue where users opening a shared collection could not see the MediaManager folder menu
[MM5-1937] - Fix an issue preventing users to log in from mobile devices
[MM5-1941] - Fix an issue where the metafield input was hiding the button for cognitive features
[MM5-1942] - Fix an issue where cognitive features were unavailable in multi edit if not all the assets were compatible
[MM5-1946] - Fixed an issue where asset titles under the Crops tab would be cut off. Titles are now visible again.
[MM5-1948] - Fixed an issue where video transcodes were not available in the history of an asset
[MM5-1951] - Fixed an issue where selecting specific metafields to compare when comparing assets, would not be filtered correctly
[MM5-1954] - Fixed an issue where opening the filter on the Asset Status page would cause errors
[MM5-1958] - Fixed an issue where auto-generated video transcripts could not be regenerated properly
[MM5-1959] - Fixed a graphical issue where missing spacing in a notification would make it harder to properly read
[MM5-1960] - Fixed an issue where when customizing the asset filter, the search input would be visible.
[MM5-1975] - Fixed a graphical issue where confirmation popups would not follow the same format and design
[MM5-1979] - Fixed an issue where comparing assets while multi-editing would cause errors
[MM5-1985] - Fixed an issue where stored values in automation workflow would not show up in the editor
[MM5-1989] - Fixed an issue where the "transcript" field was visible for asset types other than video
[MM5-1993] - Fixed an issue where the automation workflow would sometimes not save name changes
[MM5-2006] - Fixed an issue where live status updates for automation workflows were not working properly
[MM5-2009] - Fixed an issue where when downloading multiple assets at once, they would sometimes get the wrong filenames
[MM5-2010] - Fixed an issue with automation workflow where you could not select values in a tree structure metafield
[MM5-2027] - Fixed an issue where you could not select a value from a variable when the associated value was of a certain type
[MM5-2029] - Fixed a graphical issue where the selection checkmark was sometimes not visible in master item reference metafields
[MM5-2039] - Fixed an issue where you could not save an integration endpoint if the type was set to Youtube
Digizuite™ MM5 5.2.0
© 2006-2019 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.2.0
Date : 2019-11-18
[MM5-725] - Implemented translation of the metadata provided by Cognitive Services
[MM5-1026] - Added value counters on all multi metadata types in multi-edit
[MM5-1164] - Implemented the possibility to select the current page of assets using ctrl+A
[MM5-1203] - Added the option to change column widths in list view
[MM5-1298] - Added better indicators assets version in asset history
[MM5-1303] - Added the option to trim an asset on the fly, without having to create a new one
[MM5-1330] - Added duplicate asset check on upload from Media Manager
[MM5-1358] - Added the ability to zoom in pdfs
[MM5-1449] - Made options when interacting with assets more consistent
[MM5-1487] - Added functionality to multi select assets and download all in one click
[MM5-1514] - Added UI for configuring Digizuite™ integrations
[MM5-1515] - Added a config option for linking Facebook usage tracking with sharing from Media Manager to Facebook
[MM5-1521] - Added an option to configure where users created through SSO ends up in the Digizuite
[MM5-1538] - The header in the asset list should is now following the view as scrolling down the page
[MM5-1565] - implemented responsive design in Media Manager
[MM5-1676] - Added seperate label for the save button in the multi editor vs the single editor
[MM5-1678] - Added collections and folders, in addition to the assets for the global search
[MM5-1679] - Added the option for the individual user to customize how their filter panel should be ordered
[MM5-1680] - Added the option to zoom while cropping
[MM5-1682] - Improve labels when sharing with collection
[MM5-1704] - Added the option to compare assets
[MM5-1717] - Added the option for downloading the current selection of assets
[MM5-1718] - Added the option to download the current selection including the metadata for the assets
[MM5-1737] - Added notification when a collection is shared with the user
[MM5-1745] - Added support for setting up an integration to Youtube
[MM5-1781] - The default for custom qualities is now to keep aspect ratio
[MM5-1789] - Added the option to preview a lot more assets types in Media Manager
[MM5-1819] - Added the option to freetext search directly in a specific folder
[MM5-1826] - Added the option to automatically generate transcripts for videos
[MM5-1831] - Added the option to automatically detect landsmarks and celebrities in images
[MM5-1832] - Added the option to detect adult content in assets
[MM5-1861] - Added the option to create a collection from a selection
[MM5-1868] - Added the option to detect faces in images and tag people
[MM5-1928] - Moved page size selector to pagination
[MM5-892] - Improved the preview of assets and collections shared to facebook
[MM5-1057] - Results in some dropdowns were not consistent
[MM5-1069] - Fixed selector dropdown being interactable when no actions were available
[MM5-1106] - Fixed some metadata type values not being displayed correctly in audit trail
[MM5-1220] - Fixed icons for members appearing wrong
[MM5-1237] - Fixed inconsistency in styling when sharing to collections
[MM5-1242] - Fixed keywords sometimes appearing twice in the search result
[MM5-1246] - Fixed asset status sometimes being available even if it shouldn't be
[MM5-1247] - Fixed save button not being disabled in certain cases
[MM5-1249] - Fix styling sometimes looking wrong in multicombo inputs
[MM5-1250] - Fixed styling issue on asset list view
[MM5-1251] - Fixed not being able to use autotagging when a metafield was available in multiple languages
[MM5-1252] - Fixed not being able to open full URLs in Media Manager if the asset title had a dot in the name
[MM5-1254] - Fixed text sometimes overflowing in the metadata editor
[MM5-1262] - Fixed the splashscreen text editor not showing the correct language
[MM5-1290] - Fixed language selectors appearing in settings even if only one language is available
[MM5-1325] - Fixed default options when requesting a custom quality or language sometimes being wrong
[MM5-1340] - Fixed comments not working in Internet Explorer
[MM5-1341] - Fixed styling being wrong when cropping in Internet Explorer
[MM5-1348] - Fixed uploading a lot fo assets, taking up a lot of notification space
[MM5-1353] - Fixed not being able to use multi edit with assets that are locked (a warning dialog is showed)
[MM5-1356] - Fixed annotations being positioned wrong
[MM5-1359] - Fixed the back button in breadcrumbs sometimes returning the user to the wrong location
[MM5-1361] - Added an error message when a user logs in to Media Manager if they don't have access to Media Manager
[MM5-1369] - Fixed float inputs going to wrong values when using the browser controls
[MM5-1373] - Fixed issue where loading MediaManager with no assets would make it load forever
[MM5-1376] - Fixed a performance degregation when switching language
[MM5-1378] - Fixed the annotation marker not always following the mouse pointer
[MM5-1405] - Fixed resizing the message box when sharing assets appearing wrongly
[MM5-1413] - Fixed keywords sometimes causing the page to flicker rapidly
[MM5-1417] - Fixed pressing back in the crop screen not navigating back to the asset preview
[MM5-1420] - Fixed fallback thumbnails for certain assets type not always being correct
[MM5-1442] - Fixed Internet Explorer being able to cache
[MM5-1445] - Added missing drag/drop render in Internet Explorer
[MM5-1446] - Fixed popups sometimes overlapping the share button when sharing an asset
[MM5-1451] - Fixed execive network requests when loading new pages in list view
[MM5-1459] - When using the list view for assets, tooltips should only show if the content is wider than the column
[MM5-1462] - Fixed pressing back when previewing an office file going to the wrong location
[MM5-1463] - Fixed not being able to generate keywords when entering edit mode from the upload dialog
[MM5-1471] - Fixed a case of the user not being logged out correctly when disabled in the DC
[MM5-1473] - Fixed not being able to see in the breadcrumb which collection is selected
[MM5-1475] - Fixed issue on breadcrumbs
[MM5-1480] - Fixed required fields still being required when disabled due to a missing dependent field
[MM5-1483] - Fixed the text for bit metadata fields
[MM5-1492] - Fixed notifications sometimes appearing wrong
[MM5-1493] - Fixed thumbnail issue in notifications
[MM5-1494] - Fixed annotations not moving with the cursor when editing them
[MM5-1500] - Fixed asset title being disabled in the wrong language for MasterItemReference metadata fields
[MM5-1502] - Fixed asset list buttons sometimes disappearing
[MM5-1511] - Made the UI around dropdowns in preview more consistent
[MM5-1512] - Fixed being able to replace an asset with a file of another asset type
[MM5-1518] - Fixed spelling issue in danish label when choosing a new background image
[MM5-1519] - Fixed spelling issue in danish label when chosing a new portal logo
[MM5-1520] - Fixed dependent fields being disabled wrongly in the multi editor
[MM5-1522] - Fixed save button sometimes not updating correctly when saving assets with dependent metadata
[MM5-1530] - Fixed Facebook sharing not working due to changes on the Facebook side
[MM5-1539] - Fixed thumbnails not being shown correctly for certain asset types
[MM5-1541] - Improved performance for metafields of type tree
[MM5-1548] - Fixed drag and drop upload sometimes not catching the image when dropped, resulting in being navigated away from Media Manager
[MM5-1553] - Fixed being able to edit assets that are locked by other users
[MM5-1554] - When a metadata field is required but not filled out, Media Manager does not scroll to the field, and expand it for all languages
[MM5-1556] - Fixed drag and drop issue in Internet Explorer
[MM5-1557] - Fixed being able to avoid dublicate checking by pressing escape
[MM5-1558] - Fixed assets with long titles breaking uploads
[MM5-1560] - Fixed Media Manager being too generous with breadcrumbs in collections
[MM5-1561] - Fixed commenting issue in Internet Explorer
[MM5-1562] - Slightly reduced the amount of scrollbars appearing in the asset preview when an asset has many comments
[MM5-1566] - Added visual indicator that breadcrumbs are interactable in asset preview
[MM5-1567] - Fixed back button on asset preview
[MM5-1568] - Fixed styling issue in asset preview
[MM5-1571] - Fixed pagination issue on certain metafield types
[MM5-1574] - Fixed visual indicator for locked assets not appearing in the asset list
[MM5-1580] - Fixed not being able to collapse the expanded collection list
[MM5-1585] - Fixed replace dialog appearing for assets that are not published to Media Manager
[MM5-1593] - Fixed viewing office files breaking breadcrumbs
[MM5-1599] - Fixed being able to use video trimming on mobile devices
[MM5-1603] - Fixed button rendering issue in Chrome
[MM5-1616] - Fixed styling in video trimming view
[MM5-1617] - Fixed the back button in video trimming view
[MM5-1629] - Added easier way to cancel a freetext search
[MM5-1630] - Fixed being able to attempt to view a video that is still in the process of being uploaded
[MM5-1631] - When a collection is deleted the user should now be navigated away from the deleted collection
[MM5-1634] - Fixed problem where emojies in titles sometimes made breadcrumbs go 💥
[MM5-1639] - Fixed opening a settings page you don't have access to not redirecting you to the frontpage correctly
[MM5-1641] - Fixed deleted assets being viewable in the asset history
[MM5-1644] - Fixed sharing of collections on SSO enabled sites
[MM5-1647] - Fixed dates in negative timezones being displayed wrong in asset info
[MM5-1660] - Fixed issue on embedded videos with autostart being enabled
[MM5-1661] - Fixed autostart not being correctly respected for embedded videos
[MM5-1663] - Added error message when a user uploads a file without having write access to the upload folder
[MM5-1672] - Fixed not being able to print assets
[MM5-1677] - Fixed the copy embed code copying the wrong embed code
[MM5-1693] - Fixed not being able to scroll in the dublicate check dialog
[MM5-1698] - Fixed styling issue in filters on long input
[MM5-1699] - Fixed small issue in metadata editor
[MM5-1706] - Fixed being unable to open shared collections with certain characters in the title
[MM5-1711] - Fixed padding issue in breadcrumbs
[MM5-1713] - Fixed issue in asset upload history
[MM5-1721] - Fixed 12 assets always being the shown number of assets, even if 12 is not available
[MM5-1726] - Fixed styling issue on download quality
[MM5-1727] - Added config for https redirect
[MM5-1729] - Fixed styling issue on back button for danish label
[MM5-1730] - Fixed file extensions for assets not appearing in favorites
[MM5-1731] - Fixed issue where saved searches would show the wrong assets
[MM5-1732] - Fixed wording issue on notifications when cropping
[MM5-1733] - Fixed searching in metadata fields of type MasterItemReference
[MM5-1734] - Fixed issue in sorting button for collections
[MM5-1736] - Improved error message when ConfigVersionID is set to a config version that doesn't exist
[MM5-1738] - Fixed issue in user search where it would not return anything
[MM5-1744] - Fixed sometimes not being to replace office files
[MM5-1748] - Fixed styling issue in related asset view
[MM5-1749] - Fixed video player sometimes overlapping with the options buttons in asset preview
[MM5-1750] - Fixed label and styling issue in notifications
[MM5-1751] - Fixed crops appearing in the upload history
[MM5-1754] - Fixed issue in multi upload
[MM5-1759] - Fixed bug that would cause too many notifications
[MM5-1765] - The combination of UseFederatedAuth=true and EnableLogin=false does not work
[MM5-1778] - Fixed access rights issue on saved searches
[MM5-1779] - Fixed asset status not being displayed in collections
[MM5-1785] - Fixed "Enable users to see and edit their account information" not removing the option to edit the users own profile
[MM5-1794] - Fixed styling issue on select all button
[MM5-1798] - Fixed Firefox/Safari issue when opened on MacOS
[MM5-1799] - Fixed clear button for notifications
[MM5-1803] - Users no longer receive a notification when tagging them self in a comment or replying to their own comment
[MM5-1807] - Fixed issue for select button on MacOS
[MM5-1818] - Fixed role protection on AI tagging
[MM5-1820] - Fixed sharing issue on saved searches
[MM5-1828] - Fixed a bug where the select all button would be hidden
[MM5-1837] - Fixed small bug when favoriting assets removes them from the selection
[MM5-1839] - Fixed preview for excel files
[MM5-1860] - Fixed bug in the behavior when clearing a search
[MM5-1869] - Fixed bug in asset view in the asset history
[MM5-1870] - Fixed styling issue on long metadata tree values
[MM5-1872] - Fixed bug where guest user was able to edit when multi selecting assets
[MM5-1878] - Fixed issue where saved searches would show a wrong asset count
[MM5-1890] - Fixed small styling issue for saved searches
[MM5-1908] - Fixed bug where archived assets could be favorited
[MM5-1912] - Fixed issue when going back and forward in the browser, the selection would be remembered, but not shown
[MM5-1931] - Fixed crop and asset history view issue in Internet Explorer
[MM5-1932] - Fixed filtering issue in Internet Explorer
[MM5-1935] - Fixed fullscreen issue in Internet Explorer
Digizuite™ Media Manager 5.0.4
© 2006-2019 Digizuite A/S
Version : 5.1.0
Date : 2019-05-10
[MM5-139] - Printing assets with metadata asset to asset preview
[MM5-146] - Office documents can now be rendered in asset previews (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
[MM5-525] - Ability to share URL to a video and be taken to a defined point in time
[MM5-726] - Single Sign-On can now be used together with external login
[MM5-1038] - Option to revert to previous version of an asset
[MM5-1072] - Multi selecting assets directly from search result now enabled
[MM5-1117] - Made it more simple to tag users in a comment simply by pressing @ and a name or username.
[MM5-1129] - Work in Progress stages are now editable from asset preview
[MM5-1137] - Support for AI tagging multiple assets as the same time (using multi select)
[MM5-1141] - Metadata editing has been optimized by activating fields by one click
[MM5-1166] - Users will be notified when their own asset uploads are finished
[MM5-1243] - Users will now receive push notifications when assigned to a certain task
[MM5-1302] - Sub-folders can be hidden when too many are present
[MM5-1086] - Error when uploading images in portrait mode has been resolved
[MM5-1115] - Challenges with SSL Login in conjunction with external login have been resolved
[MM5-1126] - Saving a crop and replacing the original asset now fixed
[MM5-1206] - Email templates are now correctly translated into Danish
[MM5-1221] - Audit Trail no longer only uses danish labels for the audited metadata.
[MM5-1229] - Better support for upload of very large files in MM5
[MM5-1296] - Breadcrumbs are added to all pages
[MM5-1334] - Collection sorting now functioning as expected
Version: 5.0.4
Date: 2019-02-12
[MM5-1205] - Metadata now shown correctly and updated through SOLR
[MM5-1207] - Asset Upload History shows complete asset history
[MM5-1218] - Added roles for controlling privileges to asset status
[MM5-1240] - Float metadata can be saved again
Version: 5.0.3
Date: 2019-01-24
[MM5-1183] - AI Tags now showing up in Firefox
[MM5-1185] - Share functionality / role in MM5 now enabled from 5.0.3
[MM5-1192] - User initials are now rendered more consistently
Version: 5.0.2
Date: 2019-01-17
[MM5-1136] - The ability to see tasks that are not assigned to one self just by one click
[MM5-1134] - Upload history is now correctly showing all assets
Version: 5.0.1
Date: 2019-01-17
[MM5-337] - Comment are now highlighted with an animation when navigating to the comment from the notification
[MM5-634] - Added the ability to refresh asset list with a refresh button
[MM5-768] - Ability to use keyword shortcuts when multiselecting
[MM5-1048] - Make it configurable which metadata groups to default open when opening asset preview
[MM5-1082] - Cropping functionality now controlled by roles
[MM5-1054] - Saving metadata on an asset now nicely puts all fields back into read-only mode
[MM5-1096] - A user receiving a comment notification to an asset without privileges will now be made aware on the notification that they have been tagged but must request access to see the comment
Version: 5.0.0
Date: 2019-01-07
Media Manager 5 is a complete redesign of the Media Manager. The below is a summary of important features which will be included:
[MM5-76] - Full support for commenting on assets (as per facebook)
[MM5-105] - Image zoom slider in Asset Preview
[MM5-142] - Improved UI / UX around asset search
[MM5-143] - SSO configuration has been simplified and will take its configuration directly from the DAM Center (no double configuration)
[MM5-150] - Notification support when being tagged in a comment or receiving a reply to a comment
[MM5-296] - Asset crops are shown on the asset preview
[MM5-311] - Searching for related assets now show asset thumbnail in search result
[MM5-420] - Support for image annotation and associated comments
[MM5-422] - AI Tagging support with Azure Cognitive Services
[MM5-423] - Asset Versions and History accessible from Asset Preview
[MM5-427] - Improved user experience around asset relationships (linked assets)
[MM5-499] - To ensure the user experience, users are made aware when they have unsaved data and trying to leave the page
[MM5-511] - Option to create new or replace asset when trimming or cropping assets
[MM5-615] - Point in time annotation for videos
[MM5-623] - Support for conditional metadata fields in all metadata editors
[MM5-633] - Search capability in tree metadata fields
[MM5-648] - Complete redesign of how to multi edit assets in MM5
[MM5-690] - New functionality configurable and controlled by roles
[MM5-691] - Select & Edit a group of assets by navigating through them one by one (using arrows to navigate)
[MM5-695] - Ability to download related assets from an asset preview
[MM5-701] - Enhanced UI / UX around Collections
[MM5-710] - Change MM5 theme directly from settings
[MM5-717] - Audit Trail of metadata for an asset now accessible through MM5 (what to audit is fully configurable)
[MM5-753] - Improved upload UI and indicator to follow progress and edit metadata
[MM5-754] - Support for Work In Progress for an asset (improved asset life cycle support)
[MM5-842] - Breadcrumbs implemented ease navigation throughout the application
[MM5-843] - Trimming Videos by simple drag & drop for ease of use
[MM5-897] - Simplified configuration splash screen from setting page
[MM5-971] - Upload your brand logo to use in the media manager directly from the settings page
Version: 4.13.0
Date: 2018-07-03
[MM-3551] - Enhanced metadata editor with expandable metadata groups & fields
[MM-3551] - Language dependent metadata has ability to expand other languages beneath the current one
[MM-3743] - Opening an asset preview will clear the underlying search
[MM-3758] - Ability to clear a date metafield
[MM-3772] - Printing asset metadata now including all metadata
[MM-3793] - Clearing int and combovalues in the metadata editor
Version : 4.12.0
Date : 2018-03-14
[MM-1902] - Audio support in Media Manager has been added
[MM-1941] - Page number is now shown for PDFs on mobile
[MM-2238] - Users are now able to download assets directly on their phone
[MM-2548] - A full breadcrumb path is now shown to simplify navigation between folders and to show the exact location of the assets
[MM-3087] - Improved user feedback when users are signing up
[MM-3167] - Improved the zooming animation for image previews
[MM-3257] - Notifications now stack so that users have the time to read them.
[MM-3417] - Viewing assets have been streamlined by merging gallery and box into one view
[MM-3642] - Description and Asset Info now available in box view
[MM-3030] - Disabling splashscreen will hide splashscreen settings from the Media Manager
[MM-3131] - Users can now change language of the welcome screen
[MM-3229] - Improved dragging and dropping of assets on Android devices
[MM-3274] - Fix a high speed navigation scenario
[MM-3382] - Notification messages have been streamlined and are no longer shown as pop-ups but instead in lower right corner
[MM-3389] - Moving a collection when in edit collection mode, triggers the collection to open after placing it, in Firefox.
[MM-3402] - Changing user avatar has been resolved
[MM-3434] - Cropping of EXIF images have been fixed
[MM-3591] - Issues with Google Drive file upload have been resolved
Version : 4.10.2
Date : 2017-07-07
Fix: Linebreaks missing in emails
Fix: Not being able to share collections in Internet Explorer and Edge
Version : 4.11.0
Date : 2017-12-04
[MM-1149] - It's now possible to copy the description of an asset from the asset preview.
[MM-1479] - A config option has been added to disable custom quality downloads from the UI.
[MM-1529] - When no thumbnail is available for an asset, a more descriptive thumbnail is now shown
[MM-2023] - Now possible to start a search for a keyword from preview simply by clicking the keyword.
[MM-2116] - Zoomed images can now be panned around by dragging the image
[MM-2225] - It's now possible to select the default view mode using the config manager
[MM-2652] - Language switcher not displayed if the system only has one language defined.
[MM-2737] - Support for Azure Active Directory (AAD) login.
[MM-2814] - Now possible to share the url for a freetext search or filter by sharing the active url.
[MM-2850] - It's now possible to share an asset simply by sharing the active url with other users.
[MM-2889] - Automatic HTTPS redirection
[MM-2905] - Filters w/o label will default to the parameter name, and show detailed error in the console
[MM-3046] - Line breaks may now be used in share messages.
[MM-1833] - Zoom on mobile devices not working.
[MM-2017] - Custom qualities downloads not working with Azure blob storage.
[MM-2151] - SRGB colorspace was not available as download format by default
[MM-2204] - Application loading spinner would sometimes not disappear.
[MM-2214] - Video splash preview not rendering in full width on mobile.
[MM-2252] - Firefox: Missing upload spinner.
[MM-2294] - Pressing edit twice for the same asset could cause crash.
[MM-2296] - Switching browser tabs could force multi-select mode.
[MM-2302] - Dragging and dropping asset on itself would open asset preview.
[MM-2303] - Deselect assets by clicking behind the assets not always possible.
[MM-2325] - History view would flash multiple times when changing language.
[MM-2387] - Facebook share would not display thumbnail
[MM-2436] - Changing sorting should clear multi-selection
[MM-2482] - Asset download not working if Digizuite Insights is enabled.
[MM-2485] - Internet Explorer: Sharing options menu not working
[MM-2526] - Asset info does not render if data contains empty datetime
[MM-2708] - Opening asset from collection title produces 404.
[MM-2718] - Language selector might appear to continue loading.
[MM-2736] - Drag and drop not highlighting drop target in certain situations
[MM-2738] - Icon mismatch in metadata editor.
[MM-2797] - Not able to access shared collection when using Active Directory Federation Services.
[MM-2804] - Email validation error message not correct.
[MM-2825] - Collection names could not contain spaces.
[MM-2832] - Under certain conditions, multi-editing stops working.
[MM-2836] - Embed links available for images also.
[MM-2842] - Collections could arrange so that the shared collections aren't at the bottom.
[MM-2847] - Missing text for zoom in/out buttons for PDF.
[MM-2849] - Multi-select not working correctly on the upload page.
[MM-2862] - Trying to access a restricted asset using direct link should produce visible error.
[MM-2868] - Closing asset preview in collection viewer does not return to collection view.
[MM-2869] - EDGE, Internet Explorer: Not able to share collections.
[MM-2883] - Incorrect text for video thumbnail crop button
[MM-2884] - Added missing color variables in themes.
[MM-2886] - Collection edit button might be deactivated by previous tooltip
[MM-2888] - Embedded videos would not load until site has otherwise been loaded (e.g. IIS restart).
[MM-2890] - Numeric data type fields accepts text.
[MM-2934] - Metadata editor could randomly reload the page.
[MM-2937] - Shared links from social media not working.
[MM-3053] - Tooltips not closing under certain conditions.
[MM-3057] - Asset info header alignments.
[MM-3070] - Download button visible even without that specific role.
[MM-3107] - IOS 11: Video playback may fail.
[MM-3135] - Copy link should be deactivated in multi-select mode.
[MM-3158] - Empty collections should not be shareable.
[MM-3171] - IOS 11: Cannot upload images either from camera or photo storage.
[MM-3173] - IOS 11: Search not working
[MM-3174] - IOS 11: Copy to clipboard not working
[MM-3213] - Collections cannot be rearranged.
[MM-3245] - Asset info could display fields incorrectly.
[MM-3246] - Certain Workflow logging happens at the wrong log level.
[MM-3248] - CSS file build could fail when setting up personalized skinning.
[MM-3253] - Collections menu does not render if the count is large (e.g. 100).
[MM-3264] - Favorite buttons visibility not correct (e.g. visible for guests).
[MM-3271] - Not possible to change avatar / profile image.
[MM-3279] - Options popups not closing when starting a new multi-select
[MM-3289] - Asset info would open automatically on mobile devices.
4.10.0 2017-06-08
New: Assets may now be uploaded via drag-and-drop in the Task Manager
New: Reworked the asset preview interface
New: Added password reset functionality (requires DAM Center 4.7.0)
Fix: An issue where multi combo values could get overwritten in multi-edit mode
Fix: Improved performance for input validation
Fix: Sharing options now work as normal on Internet Explorer
Fix: Improved performance on asset selection with lots of assets present
Fix: Video embed codes will now be correctly copied on iOS
Fix: Valid links will no longer fail validation under specific circumstances
Fix: Collections created by sharing assets can now be deleted and downloaded later
Fix: Dates will now always be saved correctly, regardless of date format
Fix: The profile picture crop window is now the correct width
4.9.1 2017-01-17
Fix: Internal dependencies updated.
4.9.0 2016-12-29
New: A default header logo will now be used if no custom header logo is defined in the configuration.
New: All tooltips have been revised for a better look and performance.
New: The date-time picker was re-written to provide a better experience.
New: Now boolean (1/0) values are translated into (Yes/No) in the asset info panel for easier understanding.
New: When sharing a collection, you can now add multiple e-mails at once.
New: Now you can upload assets, by dragging them to anywhere in the browser window, while under the upload section.
New: The functionality for generating embed codes has been improved to use iframes and now allows you to pick size, quality and other options.
New: New notifications view that is more discrete than the old one and prepared for more interactive notifications in future versions.
New: The splash screen has been enhanced with a new design that works on more devices and screen sizes. In addition it supports several customization options such as headline, content, colors, languages and so forth.
Fix: Fixes an issue that caused images not to load consistently.
Fix: Corrects a visual bug that could cause menu items to clutter.
Fix: Added support for paging values (1, 2, ...., 100, 101) with more than 3 characters.
Fix: Fixes a bug that would prevent navigation via paging on certain mobile devices.
Fix: Fixes an issue that would allow for certain sharing functionality to be enabled, though disabled by configuration.
Fix: Resolves a bug that would sometimes prevent certain menu items from being shown.
Fix: Fixes an issue that would prevent preview images from scaling correctly.
Fix: Fixes a bug that prevented the metadata editor from showing, if the asset selected were missing certain metadata fields.
Fix: Resolves a bug that would prevent the left side menu from collapsing in certain cases.
Fix: Several missing translations for user interface text strings were added.
Fix: Fixes an issue that would prevent Firefox from including the first character that was input, if a search was initiated by keyboard typing.
Fix: Fixes an issue that allowed for account images to be cropped larger than the screen size on certain Android devices.
Fix: Fixes an issue that would make menu items move inappropriately on certain Android devices.
Fix: Fixes a bug that caused the "Print metadata" button not to function.
Fix: Fixes a visual issue that caused a flashing effect when closing windows that darken the surrounding content in IE11.
Fix: Fixes a bug that would cause the asset tiles to layout incorrectly, with overlap, in rare cases.
Fix: Fixes few issues that were encountered when trying to update the profile picture.
Fix: Previously, the maximum character length for the asset name input field was not the same as actual maximum possible length. Now this has been fixed.
Fix: Fixed an issue on iPad, when trying to remove an asset from a collection it would preview the asset instead.
Fix: Fixes a visual issue that was encountered when putting a video in full-screen and back again to "not full-screen". The full-screen button would act weirdly.
Fix: Fixes a bug where the wrong file format was reported when downloading a collection.
Fix: Fixes a bug that was causing the group list not to get updated when sharing a collection and navigating through the pages.
Fix: Fixes a visual issue on some Android devices where the top bar was visible when editing the metadata.
Fix: Fixes a bug that was causing the videos to be stretched to fit screen when viewing them on Android devices.
Fix: When an asset is removed from the Task Manager during upload, the asset will no longer be wrongfully available in the Media Manager afterwards.
4.8.0 2016-08-12
New: There is now a new Menu behaviour.
New: "All" button from the bottom bar has been removed.
New: You are able to click links when reading through a PDF.
Fix: Collections did not show all the assets when a certain number of assets were added to it.
Fix: Search was inconsistent when using certain filters.
Fix: Search filters were not shown correctly on certain devices.
Fix: Major performance and optimization improvements.
Fix: When changing the language when located in a menu, was making the asset disappear.
Fix: On iPhone, you could not open the metadata editor while the Search was still active.
Fix: Replacing assets was not working correctly.
Fix: Downloading an empty collection, was making the Quality Selector wizard load forever.
Fix: Small improvements to the Account Settings page.
Fix: Changing language while inside the Favourites menu, did not change the Favourites label.
Fix: When uploading an asset, it was required to fill in required metadata, even though there was none required.
Fix: Notification incorrectly said "asset has been added" when the user did not have write access to a collection.
Fix: If asset name was too big, you were not able to add it to a collection using drag & drop.
Fix: Could name a collection using only space breaks.
Fix: Improved cropping height & width label.
Fix: Dragging and dropping assets in a collection on desktops with touch capabilities was not possible.
Fix: Sharing on Facebook from an Android device would not work correctly.
Fix: Selecting a new profile image from an Android device would take a long time to load.
Fix: Multiple labels were not translated or were translated incorrectly.
4.7.0 2016-05-18
New: You now have to opportunity to read PDFs straight from the DigiZuite Media Manager.
Fix: Opening the Favorites menu did not worked in some specific scenarious.
Fix: When uploading an asset, the title of the asset was replaced with "null".
Fix: Improvements to the tooltips behaviour.
Fix: In some scenarios, the Save button was not being displayed when changing the metadata.
Fix: In some scenarios, the source copy of an asset, was added to a shared zip package.
Fix: Video was hard to open in fullscreen on tablets.
Fix: Login does sometimes get stuck while loading.
Fix: Logging out while you are located under a restricted page, did not result into a redirection to an unrestricted page.
Fix: Throbber was not visible when changing the profile picture.
Fix: Resizing the window while the cookie notification was visible caused visual artefacts.
Fix: Fix various issues caused by exiting a video from fullscreen using Escape key.
Fix: When adding an asset to a collection, the collection view was not updated in specific scenarious.
Fix: Throbber was not centered in the crop modal.
Fix: On specific mobile devices, the quality selector would show an incorrect number of selected assets.
Fix: Improvements in handling critical issues at start-time.
Fix: Google Drive integration would leak elements into the DOM.
Fix: Creating a collection with a duplicate name now returns an error.
Fix: Would not be able to go pass the splashscreen in certain scenarious.
4.6.1 2016-03-08
Fix: Could not go back when editing the metadata.
Fix: A notification will now be shown if the upload fails.
Fix: Paging buttons were not always visible.
Fix: Multiple fixes to ensure the site is compatible with AD.
Fix: In certain situations, adding to a collection, failed.
Fix: Download qualities names were not updating when changing the language.
Fix: 3rd party libraries were loading even if not configured so.
Fix: Wrong name for downloads when using certain download qualities.
Fix: Disable editing of iterative metadata if user does not have the rights or metadata is readonly.
Fix: Under certain scenarios, the number of assets in menu was different from the actual one.
Fix: Under certain scenarios, assets were not saved correctly.
Fix: Could not change profile picture when using AD.
Fix: Improved Quality Selector.
Fix: Hard to change the sorting direction on an Android device.
Fix: Thumbnails in the metadata editor did not always reflect the same thumbnail as on Asset Manager.
Fix: Login does sometimes get stuck at loading.
Fix: Improved view on mobile devices when using the German language.
Fix: AsseType name fallback.
Fix: iPhone Splash Screen overlaps top menu.
Fix: Could not access the Search functionality when using special characters.
Fix: Improved overall performance.
Fix: Could request custom images with negative DPI.
4.6.0 2016-02-15
New: Enhanced Quality Selector with improved UI.
Fix: Improved overall performance.
Fix: You were able to add assets from Upload History to a Collection.
Fix: IE11 login box was shaking when inserting the correct login credentials.
Fix: Links were out of the view on Chrome.
Fix: Improved label translations.
Fix: Could not change pages on a MultiComboInput boxes.
Fix: Changing the splash screen with an image or a video from the portal was throwing an error once in a while.
Fix: If Submit Upload fails, the user will be notified.
Fix: Could not scroll up&down when signing up on Android tablet.
Fix: Save account info when email was already inserted was showing an error.
Fix: Opening MultiComboInputs on an iOS devices, was causing the Menu go up&down.
Fix: MultiComboInputs page number was misleading when there was nothing to show.
Fix: Digizuite� Media Manager did not load on Safari while using Incognito/Private mode.
Fix: Could not clear the filters when unselecting a value from a ComboInput.
Fix: When turning from Portrait to Landscape on an Android tablet, the view was not matching with the new rotation.
4.5.1 2016-01-27
Fix: Could not login after logout.
Fix: Multi-select was triggered in IE11 when using the scroll bar.
Fix: German labels have been updated.
Fix: Custom download function was not visible on Android and iOS.
4.5.0 2016-01-25
New: Merged the �Splashscreen Enabled� and �Use Disclaimer� into a single configuration.
New: Possible to select a default direction for each sorting type.
New: Possible to customize the primary font type.
Fix: Speed optimization in site loading and in advanced metadata loading.
Fix: Home URL was not set correctly if site was running in a virtual directory.
Fix: Member search now returns Media Manager favorites instead of Video Portal favorites.
Fix: Improvements in running the site over HTTPS.
Fix: Pagination would break under certain scenarios.
Fix: Improvements added to different login scenarios.
Fix: No verification on sign up did not work.
Fix: Site was rebooting in certain situations.
Fix: Text placeholder on authentication box was not shown on IE.
Fix: Certain images could not be uploaded as profile pictures.
Fix: When changing the video volume, the video would stop.
Fix: Could not upload assets using an iOS device.
Fix: Logo and login button were not equally apart from the browser's margins.
Fix: Sorting was broken when a collection was shared with an external user.
Fix: Changing language was not possible when a specific login scenario was set.
Fix: When sharing a Package(.zip) and navigating back to the Quality Selector, the download button was not click-able any more.
4.4.0 2015-11-27
New: There are now active links in the metadata in a read-only view.
New: UI validation improvements.
New: Replace/Remove functionality can now be controlled using the roles inside DAM.
Fix: In certain situations, the video sound did not stop playing.
Fix: Improvements added to the filtering labels.
Fix: Could not update the date filter in certain situations.
Fix: On some mobile devices, the login box was off-center when using a specific login scenario.
Fix: Could not drag & drop into a collection after log in.
Fix: Could not select an asset from the portal for splashscreen.
4.3.0 2015-11-27
New: Support for Wintra.
New: Upgrade to Flowplayer 6.
Fix: Scrollbar when adding to a collection was not visible in certain situations.
Fix: Pointer cursor was active when previewing some assets.
Fix: Live scrolling is active inside a collection when paging view mode is configured.
Fix: Scrolling issues fixed for Chrome on Windows 10.
Fix: Could not crop thumbnails for images.
Fix: Improved Google Analytics loading inside the metadata editor.
Fix: Wrong video thumbnail showed when editing the thumbnail.
Fix: Some assets were not visible in certain situations.
FIx: Description not displayed in certain situations.
Fix: Styling adjustment for download pop-up menu.
Fix: Styling adjustment for the pagination view.
Fix: 'Advanced' metadata did not load in certain situations.