DC 5.5 Configuration embedding metadata in images
Metadata can be embedded into images using ExifTool
Transcodes now supports writing DC Metadata to Embedded metadata in supported image formats.
Only some image formats supports metadata and DC metadata validation is needed to void Transcode Errors if MetaData does not conform to Exif specifications.
See ExifTool documentation https://exiftool.org/
This is an advanced feature DC must be configured so that metafields used for Meta Embed is validated, to avoid job errors.
Data Transformations must be performed using AutomationWorkflow
AW must be used to republish relevant assets when metadata, used in embed, changes, these metafields is not part of the reuse logic as that would severely general transcode performance.
ExifTool is slow so use of this feature will impact transcode speeds.
Embed Metadata Definition
This feature is configured on System tools / Transcode Settings
-<ExifTool tag>=(<MetaFieldID|MetaFieldGuid>)[:format_string]
Where only the dataTypes Float and DateTime supports format_string. See C# ToString format specifications
ExifTool Tags generally have the format Area:Tag see ExifTool for list of tags
The optional IgnoreTagErrors controls how the BatchSystem responds to errors from ExifTools if IgnoreTagErrors=false the Job is failed if ExifTool reports any error otherwise the error is ignored and the resulting file is copied to output (or the source file).
The following DC MetaData Types are supported
DataType | Comment |
Int |
String |
Bit |
Link |
Text |
Note |
DateTime | Format string available |
Float | Format string available |
EditComboValue | only text part supported |
Combo | only text part supported |
ComboValue | only text part supported |
Running ExifTool as commandline for testing purposes: (on the batch server)
Create a workfolder and copy the test source image to this folder
Copy Exiftool.exe to the workfolder
create a text file with utf8 encoding named args.arg
C:\exifToolTest\sampleimage.jpg -IPTC:Headline=Some headline text -IPTC:ReleaseDate=2021:02:15 -IPTC:ReleaseTime=13:44:55 -CodedCharacterSet=UTF8
4. From a command Prompt in the workfolder Run the Command;
exiftool.exe -E -@ args.arg
This should perform an inplace embed of metadata
Tip: Use GIMP to verify that metadata has been written to the image as expected
Image / Metadata / View Metadata
Output from ExifTool is logged in the JobLog. see DigiBatch status in MM5 find the job named DigiExiftoolJobs.JobExiftoolCommandFile