DFS 8.1.0 - 6 Troubleshooting

DFS 8.1.0 - 6 Troubleshooting


Manual synchronization is too fast and synchronizes nothing.

Check the password you entered in section 5.1, it is case sensitive.

Background synchronization never update new items

The Sitecore instance needs to know which time zone Digizuite™ DAM uses. If nothing is configured in Digizuite™ DAM , the default value is GMT Standard Time. Use this table to find the correct timezone https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms912391(v=winembedded.11).aspx

Missing Digizuite™ DAM for Sitecore license dialog when trying to synchronize a silo.

Try to log out and launch Content Editor from Launchpad – not the Desktop.

Contact the DAM partner, maybe the Digizuite™ DAM doesn't have the DAM For Sitecore license installed.

No images showing in the DAM Explorer

Clear browser cache.

Check BaseAddress has slash at the end.

When installing the package, the Installation Wizard never finishes

If the Sitecore installation has xDB enabled, then MongoDB service has to run.

The query string is too long.

If this happens, set a large number for the maxQuerystring attribute in the web.config file. Below is an example.

      <requestLimits maxQueryString="32768"/>
If you're experiencing trouble synchronizing your content, and is met with an error message regarding a missing DFS license, even though you have a valid license in your DC then you can do the following:Log out of your Sitecore and then log back in again. If this fixes the issue, it seems that your DC wasn't active at time time you logged into your SItecore installation. This should not be an issue in versions newer than DFS 8.0.2 (Meaning that 8.0.2 also has this issue)
The DetectDamChanges background process (Sitecore hook) has stopedTo start it again, recycle the application pool for the website. The reason why it has stop could be that you have installed a package through Sitecore's installation wizard.

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