DC 5.5 Condition

DC 5.5 Condition

condition is comparable to the operators in an if-statement. 

For all filters, which are not part of a Group, the condition is AND. In order to use other conditions, a group must be created. 

There are four available conditions for the filters in a group.


This condition is equivalent to the "&&" operator in C# and JavaScript and the "AND" operator in SQL.


This condition is equivalent to the "&& !(some test case)" operator in C# and JavaScript and the "AND NOT" operator in SQL.


This condition is equivalent to the "||" operator in C# and JavaScript and the "OR" operator in SQL.


This condition is equivalent to the "|| !(some test case)" operator in C# and JavaScript and the "OR NOT" operator in SQL.

Example of a group with an condition other than "AND":

Details view of a group

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