MM5.3.0 8.3 Sorting Labels
MM5.3.0 8.3 Sorting Labels
All labels for sorting in the MM asset list is done using the label ASSET_SORT_CRITERIA_DIRECTION
Out of the box the label is {option, select, alphabeticAsc {A-Z} alphabeticDesc {Z-A} assetidAsc {Oldest} assetidDesc {Latest} favoritesAsc {Least favored} favoritesDesc {Most favored}}
The follows the syntax from the Select label from MM5.3.0 8 Label Configuration. Each of the options are the “id” of the sort field in the search. For example DigizuiteSystem_Framework_Search comes out of box with the following sort fields:
<sortField id="sortAssetidAsc" fieldName="asset.assetid" DefaultToDisabled="true" sortDirection="ascending" />
<sortField id="sortAssetidDesc" fieldName="asset.assetid" DefaultToDisabled="true" sortDirection="descending" />
<sortField id="sortAlphabeticAsc" itemGuid="5EB3EEFC-A043-410F-89B0-29ED3EF37078" DefaultToDisabled="true" sortDirection="ascending" />
<sortField id="sortAlphabeticDesc" itemGuid="5EB3EEFC-A043-410F-89B0-29ED3EF37078" DefaultToDisabled="true" sortDirection="descending" />
<sortField id="sortFavoritesAsc" fieldName="item.MasterItemRefCount(D10AEF8D-AF0E-4E33-BCB8-4D71E2C55269)" DefaultToDisabled="true" sortDirection="ascending" />
<sortField id="sortFavoritesDesc" fieldName="item.MasterItemRefCount(D10AEF8D-AF0E-4E33-BCB8-4D71E2C55269)" DefaultToDisabled="true" sortDirection="descending" />
This means that if you add or remove a sort field, you need to update the label correspondingly. In addition the missing option will be logged in the F12 console as a yellow warning.